I know for sure that there are 2 books I'm going to get for December.
The first one has to be
JULEBOGEN (the Christmas book) written and illustrated by Theresa Maria Jessing.

I you watch Bonderøven on DR2 ýou might already know who she is. Frank's beautiful - and talented - wife.
To me the book sounds very interesting and I know that I'm going to enjoy reading it. Hopefully I will be able to add my own notes in the book, and get new ideas and stories about Christmas.
And if I manage to write down as the years - and Christmases- pass by, more and more of my little family's Christmas traditions will be saved in JULEBOGEN.
(By the way, did you know that Theresa Maria Jessing designs knitting patterns? Lovely things indeed - see for yourself on her website.)
The other book which we will purchase, is for Emil and me.
We always read a book in the Christmas month (and in other months too!) and it has to be divided into 24 chapters. One chapter for each day...

This year it will be IQBAL FAROOQ OG JULESVINERIET. It's a book written by the Danish politician Manu Sareen. He has written several books about Iqbal Farooq and his family, and Emil and I have enjoyed every single one.
It's the kind of book, which is perfect if your child appriciates humour. We sure have high hopes for loads of laughs in this one too....
Now all we have to do, is to go out and buy them both. But not tomorrow. That day will be all about family and relaxing...