I'm not making this beautiful pattern by Rasmilla for anyone. I simply had to try it out in a little size 2. I bought the pattern ages ago, and has been trying to find an excuse to knit it. But now I don't need one....
When will I ever learn not to start a zillion projects?
Sorry to say that but - I guess you will never learn it! As me - you have just too many ideas in your head and too many projects in your hands. That´s why we like to pop in here ;-)
ReplyDeleteVery true words of Juliane! I think either you are one of those persons with loads of started things on their table OR you start and finish one after the other...
ReplyDeleteAt least you can always work some minutes on a different thing, does make things less boring I think and you don't forget how you "used to make this pattern".
Rainy greetings and have anice week,
This pattern is supercute! The good thing about having several projects at a time is that you have projects thats goes with your mood or the situation you are in. While watching television you might want to have an easy project, while comuting with the bus or train you might want a project that is small and takes less space in your bag/purse and so on...
ReplyDeleteEr det ikke det der gør det sjovt - at starte nye projekter ?
ReplyDeleteJeg skal have gang i 2 fiona´er inden længe, til Sille 3 år, som snart skal have en lillesøster :)
Great pattern! It going to be a very beautiful top :)
ReplyDeleteI don't know what to suggest you, I always have at least 3-4 projects on my desk too, though don't like this... :)
Hvis du på et eller andet tidspunkt finder ud af, hvordan man undgår at starte en bunke projekter op, så vil jeg MEGET gerne kopiere den "opskrift". Jeg er kommet til den overbevisning, at dét kan ikke lade sig gøre.
ReplyDeleteDu har bare SÅ mange gode ideer, så du skal da have en masse ting igang hele tiden, ikke?
ps... leder stadig efter lyseblå ynglingsting, så dér har du sat mig på en "hård" opgave :O)
What a dear comment. It went straight into the place where it's to keep. :))
ReplyDeleteI actually believe that you are so right, Juliane. I will never learn! I have asked myself this question far too many times, so I think thati t's just the way it is. ;))
I will never ever be the kind of person who start and finish, start and finish and so forth, Nina. I always get inspired by new ideas and impressions in the middle of everything, and then launch a new project. ;))
But being able to change the projects and ways of working, is actually a very fine thing for me and my lousy back, neck and arm. ;))
Have a lovely day - hopefully less rainy at your place than outside my window...
Thank you so much, Anne. :))
I totally agree with you; not every project is suitable for watching TV or ridning a bus. A PERFECT reason to be working on several projects at the time. :))
Jo, Jeannette - starten er bare den sjoveste. Man får sådan en helt vidunderlig fornemmelse, når et nyt projekt søsættes og man sidder klar med opskrift og nyt garn. Lidt ligesom når man kommer hjem med sine nylånte biblioteksbøger. :))
Jeg synes, at Fiona er så sød og uanset hvor mange gange jeg har set den strikket, så er jeg lige vild med den. Jeg vil glæde mig til at se dine Fiona'er. :))
Jurga, it's so nice to hear that all of you sweet women, have just as many - new and unfinished - projects as I have. ;))
One for every mood and situation. :))
Ja, dén "opskrift" vil vi begge gerne finde, Rosanna...og så måske alligevel ikke. ;)) Jeg elsker nye projekter, når bare jeg ikke lige får øje på dem der ligger og venter. :))
Og 1000 tak for de søde ord. :))
Du skal ikke føle dig stresset over de lyseblå ting. Det er helt op til dig om du har lyst. :))