Wednesday, December 02, 2009

December at my house

December at my house, originally uploaded by lille-ursus.

It was such an extremely beautiful morning today. After weeks of grey and rainy weather, the sun broke through the skies. Oh, that's lovely! I love the light, but who doesn't?

So, I took a few photos of our house and garden - dressed for December...

And as I promised you, kaylovesvintage, here are a few shots from the book JULEBOGEN.


  1. Dear Ulla,

    your house looks wonderful with the iced tree and the decorations in side!

    Here the cold night was giving us a sunny and idec natures morning as well, just in time for the next weeks...

    Kind regards nina

  2. I love the look over at your house!! I have my little nisse is out too! The cold frosty air makes for a lovely shot!

  3. Åh hver ser der hyggeligt ud.
    De der keramik grise du viste forleden er da bare for skønne.
    God smag som altid.
    Hav en dejlig torsdag og lad os håbe at morgenen er lige så smuk som idag.

  4. It looks gorgeous and peaceful, lovely photos.

  5. Dansk julehygge..! det ku' vi godt bruge noget af herovre i England! :-)

    Fine billeder!

  6. Hvor er det fint - ude så vel som inde :-)
    Og tak for kig i Julebogen.

  7. I love the hoar-frosted branches.

    And hile I am sitting in my chaotic studio between fabrics and packages and sewing machine and hot iron, I enjoy it so much to get alittle glimpse of the Advent atmosphere at your place...

    Have a sunny and frost-cold day with lots of sunshine and warm candle light,


  8. Hvor er der smukt 'decemberpyntet' hos dig, både ude og inde.

    Knus fra engens land ;-)

  9. hvor SER der hyggeligt ud hos dig!...og den der bog, tror jeg simpelthen jeg må have fingrene i ;O)

  10. Uhh lækker stil der. I Ikast boghandel har de et eksemplar af bonderøvs julebogen der er helt opløst af mit savl. Jeg var for nærig til at købe den. Men jeg savner den stadig.....

  11. Dear Nina, Di, the daily purl, Jeannet, craftivore, Carina, Losarinas mor, Juliane, Jeannette Mariae, Rosanna and Camilla thank you so much for all your lovely comments about my December house.

    I try to keep it simple in our house in December - and only by using the things which mean something special to us. And that is why I'm desperately trying to find the little boy Jesus which my daughter made when she was little. He HAS to be there in December...

    I wish that you knew how much I enjoy reading each and every comment. It's a gift to get to "meet" so many wonderful people. :))

    Have a lovely weekend everyone. :))

  12. Your pictures look wonderful! How do you the rounded edges? I am not very good with the photo editing...Nice to meet another Ulla!
    Love from one Ulla to another!

  13. Hi Ulla!

    It sure is funny to meet another Ulla - there are not that many of us - at least not in Denmark.

    And thank you so much for the kind words. :)

    You can get the round corners by entering Afte uploading your photo, you find the trick under "create" and then "frames". If that sounds strange then please feel free to ask me again. Then I can send you a link. :))

  14. December at your house is both beautiful & poetic ! I love this special light...
    could you send us a bit of your dry & cold weather ?! I'm so tired of the wet & dark november we've had here in Brittany :(


I - read - and - enjoy - every - single - comment - and - try - to - respond - to - it - as - soon - as - possible.

Thanks - a - lot . . . I - really - appriciate - it.