While looking for a pattern for a beautiful baby sweater seen on ravelry from www.raumaull.no,
I came across these 2 little fellows.
Does any of you remember them? I certainly do!!
It is Sofus and Ludvig from "Bjergkøbing Grand Prix" - a wonderful movie about a race in a car called "Il Tempo Gigante".
In my childhood it was so stunning that it was made in a way, so you felt like you were driving in Il Tempo Gigante yourself.
I can't recall exactly how many times I have seen the movie....but it is quite a few...My children love it too - perhaps you could say that they HAD to be introduced to it!
As you probably can guess, a pattern can be bought so Sofus and Ludvig can be knitted. They actually look very much like the caracters in the movie. I just love Ludvig and his little backpack!
Our children has "Bjergkøbing Grand Prix" as a game for the PC, and this I can highly recommend.
We have spent so many hours playing it - it is simply amazing and a habit-forming experience.
And if you love the movie you will not get dissapionted by the game...
Ha-ha, de skønne fyre faldt jeg også over forleden. Jeg husker tydeligt, da filmen kom frem! De er den slags fyre, der gør glad.
ReplyDeleteDen film er også set her i huset masser af gange, og jeg husker også tydeligt den fascination der ramte mig, da jeg som stor pige mærkede suset i maven, når de for rundt i de hurtige biler på bakkerne.
ReplyDeletePC-spillet har jeg også hørt rigtigt meget godt om, men det er et af dem, som vi ikke har nået endnu.
Figurerne, dem er vi da nærmest nødt til at strikke, er vi ikke...
Kh Anne