This immediately made me think of my dear friend Kalle. He lives in a small, English village in the South of England, which looks like this......
Kalle has been a friend of mine ever since we started off in school - when we were both 6 years old. We went to school/college together for 13 years.
He is such a wonderful, funny, caring man and I always keep him in my heart.
When ever I see Kalle it only takes a few seconds to "find" each other. Don't you know the feeling with this kind of friends? No awkward, embarrasing silence....
Now we email each other once in a while, but he is so often on my mind.
I had a lovely surprise this Christmas when Kalle all of a sudden showed up at our local grocery store, singing "Fiskerpigens sang". Don't ask - a very weird joke we shared in our youth!!!
And last fall, when Anne-Sophie and I went to England to see where I used to live, we spent a fantastic and funny afternoon with Kalle in London. And hopefully I will see him again this summer. I have been invited to his wedding with Daniel in July.
Kalle has the same edducation as me, and now works for RNIB, an association for blind people. This jobs says so much about the kind of person Kalle is. He really makes a difference - just by being himself......
I feel so lucky and proud to have a friend like him.....
Er også facineret af England. Tror at alt ser ud som i Barneby. Drømmer om en sommerferie i Sydengland i solskin........
ReplyDeleteJamen - selvfølgelig vinder vi da guld (håber jeg.....)
Lyder ret sej, den hue.
My darling Ulla, what a nice surprise to read your kind words here on your blog. As you say yourself we don't over-do the 'staying in touch' thing, but like yourself I often think of you and with great fondness and love in my heart too.
ReplyDeleteI check your web site and blog spot a couple of time every week and feel I know so much about what's happening in your life. In fact logged on this morning as I wanted to write to you but a work call distracted me so it wasn't till now I managed to log back on and saw my own house on the opening page (our house is the yellow one on the left.
The 'wedding' plans are well under way and I am sooooo excited about it. I really hope you can make it as having you here on the BIG day will mean a lot to me. I also want to share with you my happiness of living in the beautiful English country side, our charming village and all the eccentric but very kind and loving people we have now become friends with.
Ulla I wonder if you might be able to help me. I am keen to get an old fashioned embodied juletræsdug. The kind that was popular in the 50's and 60's - do you know the sort I mean? These days I think only old people have them and I'm not sure you can buy them in the shops. Daniel's mum is very good at doing embroidery and she'll make me one if I can get a pattern - any idea where I might get hold of one??? I know it's a strange request but it would fit in perfectly with our style and the feel of our 200 year old house. Besides it's nice to have something Danish looking and made by Daniel's mum.
Sorry for taking up so much space - hope to be in touch again soon.
Much love to you and the family. Kalle
Det drømmer jeg også bare om, Gitte. Køre rundt i de små, hyggelige byer og møde lokale englændere - finde en lille garnbutik et sted og spise en chickenpie...
ReplyDeleteJeg boede i en lille forstad, Totteridge, til London og så desværre aldrig England "from the countryside".
Jeg skulle aldrig have sagt det højt, dét med guldet: tænk hvis det bringer uheld?? ;0)
Hatten til Emil var bare sjov at lave og han brugte den i evigheder.
Mange hilsner, Ulla
Hvor var det bare dejligt og overraskende at læse din besked, Kalle!! Du må bruge al den plads du vil....
Og tænk engang: billedet er fra din by's turistside - pudsigt at dit hus var med.
Kalle, jeg sender dig lige en mail en af de nærmeste dage...
Så kan du høre hvordan det går og vi kan aftale nærmere med juledugen (glimrende idé og hvor sødt af Daniel's mor).
Jeg skal nemlig til at lave benvarmere til Anne-Sophie, der skal til 80'er fest om ganske kort tid!!
Hav det rigtig godt, Kalle.
Kærlig hilsen
How wonderful to have such a friend as you have in Kalle, Ulla. Truly a blessing and a treasure.
ReplyDeleteWhat a nice 'blog' you have. I like the figures in an earlier blog especially.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your kind comment on my blog.
Hi Ulla!!
ReplyDeleteYou lucky lucky one!!! See, your mother said it right: What comes arround goes arround and you get what you give!!! In earlier times the people arround me just want things without giving, so I had the feeling "Everybodys darling is everybodys idiot" And other people think friendlyness is a kind of weekness! Isn´t that wired!!! I am what I am and I teach my children to be polite and helpful to other people. And I think to have an old friend like you have is a special gift!!!
P.S Thank you for the lovely" Monster-Comment" I enjoyed it very much!!!!....Have a nice weekend..*Marie*
Dit venskab med Kalle lyder trygt og varmt, og man behøver vel ikke daglig eller ugentlig kontakt, for at det er et stærkt venskab, tvært imod, så er det vel der, hvor der kan gå laaaang tid uden at forholdet blegner, at man virkelig finder sine sande venner.
ReplyDeleteJeg drømmer om en tur til det sydlige England, og nu ved jeg hvor jeg kan søge tips og gode råd :-)
Ha' en dejlig lørdag, Ulla.
Kh Anne
such a stormy evening I read such a beautiful dialiog by you two Ulla and Kalle!
ReplyDeleteNow I wanna call to all my friends at once :)
Du ahr fået en award - tjek min hjemmeside ;-)
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comments,all of you sweet people :0)
ReplyDeleteI truely feel lucky to have a friend like Kalle, Kathrine. Everyone should know someone like him....
Thank you - I enjoyed reading your blog as well, David. I will definitely be back to and hope to see more of your lovely watercolour pictures...
Dear Marie,
I surely hope that other people have started to look upon you in a different way...It is not fair at all, that you had to give and give, and not get anything in return. You deserve much more than that, being such a sweet and caring person!!
I totally agree with you - kindness is not a sign of weakness!!!!!!! Rather a sign of personal strenght.
Have a wonderful, sunny Sunday.
Loads of nice and friendly thoughts,
Ulla :0)
Styrke er dét, som sådan et venskab som dét jeg har med Kalle, rummer.
Vi kender hinanden så godt, har set styrker og svagheder, og kender hinandens historie...Derfor gør det ingenting at tiden går, når bare man kan forsætte hvor man slap!
Sig bare til hvis du engang ager til England - jeg elsker England (næsten lige så meget som Sverige!!) og nyder at tale/skrive det engelske sprog...
Anne - Jeg håber, du får en rigtig dejlig søndag i det fantastiske vejr....
Ulla :0)
Ievute - You always make me smile and feel so many lovely things!!! I adore your comments and your way of being so frank...
Have a wonderful day :0)
Kære Gitte!
ReplyDeleteDu må have skrevet simultant med mig.....
1000 tak for prisen - Det var dig der "made MY day"....
Mange hilsner
Ulla :0)
I just found your blog, by way of Flickr and had noticed that you left a comment on one of my drawings previously! I just love your sewing and knitting! And after reading this post, I see that you're a real sweetheart! I have a friend also like yours. I've bookmarked your blog so I can follow what you're working on! We both like some of the same fabrics...small world!!!
ReplyDeleteHello bethany,
ReplyDeleteIt is so nice that you found your way to my blog - I really appriciate that...
You truely are wonderful at drawing. I loved the way you captured the little girl's expression on your picture.
I have had a look at your blog(s) too - and I must say you are right about us having a lot in common.
You have been bookmarked too...Hope to "see" you again :0)
you are so right, i do have some friends who once i see we just start off from where we left off no matter how long we have been apart. thanks for stopping by my blog.
ReplyDeleteHello urbanknitter,
ReplyDeleteAnd welcome...
That kind of friends are simply fantastic!!!
Ulla :0)