Thursday, March 10, 2011

A box of beauty

Today I got the yarn I ordered at

It's the second time I buy yarn from that fine little shop, and it's absolutely not the last time.

In the cardboard box I got in the mail there were wool skeins in the colours called Lammeøre and Isblomst - beautiful names, don't you think? And I also bought a bit of some charcoal grey cashmere.

All in all 700 grams of lovely yarn and breathtaking colours.

I still have the skeins in the box, but soon I will take it out and put it in one of my knitting baskets. It will have to be in one, where I can see the yarn when ever I like to. They are far to pretty to be put in the buttom of a basket, if you ask me.

It's such a pleasure to look at beautiful yarn, and I know that I will have to do that many more times you know the feeling, or am I just a bit weird?

I had specific ideas for patterns when I ordered the yarn, but I know from experience that new patterns will be considered before stitches are cast on...


  1. What a beautiful photo of some gorgeous yarn. I can't wait to see what you knit with it!

    I agree it needs to be on display in a basket!

  2. Åhhh, du har gjort det, jeg har tænkt på så længe. Jeg er også ret vild med både lammeøre og isblomsten, men der også nogle andre garner, som er ret skønne, f.eks: toddy og kaffegrums ;-).
    Det bliver spændende at se, hvilke fine ting, du får lavet.

  3. Thank you very much, cpeezers. :)) I adore that yarn as well. Blue and green colours are some of my favourites. I love how the yarn shimmer between several shades.

    I looked at the yarn so much yesterday - it's strange how funny little things in everyday life can make one smile. But it's great. :))


    Skynd dig at gøre det nu, Rosanna! ;) Du vil bestemt ikke blive skuffet.
    Nu har jeg købt garn der et par gange og det er supergodt.

    Det er sjovt som vi har et svagt punkt for mange af de samme ting. Og jeg er enig; kaffegrums og toddy er også smukke farver. Sidst købte jeg retro blå og bordeaux - og gangen før én der hed Tobak tror jeg.

    Jeg er meget spændt på at prøve det fine, tynde cashmere garn. Det skal der laves noget baby halløj i. ;))

    Rigtig god weekend. :))


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Thanks - a - lot . . . I - really - appriciate - it.