Friday, May 29, 2009

Paperdoll project

For a long time - almost a couple of years - I have had an idea. Several times I have bought the necessary things to make it come true, and several times I have not started the project.

Nevertheless the idea keeps coming back in my head, and when I saw these sweet paperdolls on etsy, I knew that it was time to pull out my ideas again.

Maybe I will be able to show a finished result to you in a little while - or maybe I will wrap it all up and save it in my mind once more.....


  1. I am looking forward to your result!! ;o))
    Greetings from Hamburg

  2. Nej, hvor jeg dog glæder mig til at se, hvad du præsterer. Endnu et spændende projekt ;-)

  3. You really make me wish to see the result. I love paperdolls from the very young age of 3 years.

  4. I hope that you don't get disappointed by my project, Julia! But thanks a lot :0) This time I must try it out... ;0)


    Uha, Jeannette Mariae - jeg er spændt på om det vil fungere efter hensigten! Hvis ikke, så er der ikke andet for end at prøve igen :0)) Men denne gang synes jeg, at jeg har fundet de rette påklædningsdukker.


    I just love paperdolls too, Nauli. :0)) I remember how we as children drew clothes for our much time could be spent that way.
    I still feel fascinated by those little girls made out of paper. ;0)


I - read - and - enjoy - every - single - comment - and - try - to - respond - to - it - as - soon - as - possible.

Thanks - a - lot . . . I - really - appriciate - it.