Saturday, May 16, 2009


38, originally uploaded by lille-ursus.

What a wonderful day with sweet, sweet people and lots of lovely gifts. (And of course I will never get a better present than our 2 children).

I can not ask for more....


  1. for me, 37 yesterday.
    Happy birthday!

  2. Stort til lykke herfra, kære Ulla ;)

  3. Tillykke med fødselsdagen kære Ulla ,-)

  4. Bonne fête Ulla, bonne fête Ulla...bboooonnneee fffêêêttteee, bbbooonnnneeeee ffêêêttteee...bonne fête Ulla. :) xox

  5. happy happy birthday!!! sending you lots of sweet thoughts and wishes!

  6. happy birthday! I turn 38 soon too.

  7. - og et forsinket men meget højt TILLYKKE med fødsesdagen.

    Jeg håber du har haft bedre vejr end vi har her syspå, for det har egnet sileregn stort set hele dagen :-(

  8. Stort tillykke Ulla. Er det Rie Elise fugle jeg kan skimte der på billedet?

  9. Happy Birthday! I hope you had a great day!

  10. Kære Ulla - Et lidt forsinket - MEN STORT - Tillykke med fødselsdagen.

    Knus Gitte

  11. Dear all of you,

    Thank you SO much for your many sweet birthday wishes and greetings. I enjoyed reading your comments and appriciate every word a lot. :0))

    Best wishes for all of you,
    Ulla :0))

    PS. And Hanne, my birthday was excactly as cold and rainy as yours!! But we loved our birthdays on the 16th of May anyway, didn't we? ;0))

  12. Tillykke md føs`dagen :O) Smukke kjoler du har fået syet. Det lokker altid at komme forbi din side, der er så meget lækker sy-inspiration :O)

  13. Belated Happy Birthday, Ulla!

    Glad to hear you had a wonderful day with loved ones.

  14. Happy Birthday (a bit late I know) now we are the same age! :D

  15. Et forsinket tillykke skal du have herfra. Det virker som om du har haft en rigtig god dag og har hygget dig. DEJLIGT!

  16. Hanne, Katherine, Nicole and Rosanna, thank you so much for your sweet birthdays wishes. They really made me happy :0))

    Lots of best wishes,

    Ps. Your are definitely right Jeanette - it is Rie Elise Larsen you see on the picture. I got 3 of the beautiful rows of birds. All in different colours. :0))

  17. Et forsinket tillykke med fødselsdagen!
    Håber, du havde en rigtig dejlig en af slagsen!

  18. Lovely Ulla I send you late, big, big birthday wishes, I guess you had a wonderful day with your family, love the mosaic:)....... 38 what a wonderful age!!!! ..... hugs *Marie*

  19. Mange tak, Annette :0)) Jeg havde en vidunderlig dag, kan du tro! Det er altid hyggeligt når familien samles og med kagekone og boller, bliver det bestemt ikke mindre godt ;0)


    Thanks a million, Marie :0)) You are so sweet :0))

    I enjoyed the day very much, and being with my family made it even better.
    And I got so many beautiful gifts :0)) Turning 38 is rather close to 40!! But 2 more years before that becomes an issue ;0))

    Hugs for you, Marie,
    Ulla :0))


I - read - and - enjoy - every - single - comment - and - try - to - respond - to - it - as - soon - as - possible.

Thanks - a - lot . . . I - really - appriciate - it.