Sunday, February 15, 2009

I have touched a silver medal!

The very last of Emil's table tennis tournaments was today. Early this morning he and Christian left our house, all prepared to participate in numerous matches along with the rest of the children from our local table tennis club.

As usual Emil was exited and a bit nervous about the matches, but he always tend to losen up when the 1st balls have been ping ponged! Then he has 6 more games to play and get the nervousness out of his body.

I was at home doing a bit of painting with Anne-Sophie, and I couldn't help thinking about Emil once in a while. At one o'clock the phone rang, and I knew that it was Emil.

By hearing his voice on the phone, I could tell that he was happy. " I won a silver medal, mom " he proudly said. I could hear that his face was smiling....and so was mine.

I'm really delighted for him - we all are. This is his 2nd medal this year. He has one of bronze as well. But to me it's of equal importance, that he becomes so proud and happy about his own achievements. A game where you play all by yourself is sometimes harder to lose, than the ones you play in a team.

Soon the table tennis season will be over, but that will not be the end of ping pong in our house...perhaps anyone has heard of soundless ping pong balls????


  1. Nej, hvor må du være stolt! Hvor må det være fedt for dig at være mor, når du kan se ham blive opnå mål, som han selv har sat på den måde. Tillykke med Emil og hans glæde!

  2. that's wonderful! congrats to emil!

  3. Congrats! I am sure you are so proud.

  4. 1000 tak, Astrid :0)) Det ER en dejlig fornemmelse at opleve Emils glæde over at have vundet sølv. Han var meget glad, men kunne alligevel ikke lade være med at tænke lidt på de drenge der havde tabt mange kampe. Han har jo selv prøvet hvor træls dét føles.

    Men stolte var vi bestemt alle, og rørte kan vi vist heller ikke komme udenom :0))


    Thank you very much, Christy :0) It's always wonderful when things go well for our children. No matter what it is. :0)


    Thanks a lot, oiyi :0) Table tennis is the first sport where Emil is on his own, and has to deal with the match himself. So the silvermedal was a victory for him in many ways. :0)

  5. Ulla, det er kun anledning til mere stolthed, at han tænker på dem, der ikke nåede medaljerne! Han er vist en rigtig god dreng! :) P.S. Jeg gav dig en pris for nogle dage siden - bare lige, hvis ikke du opdager det selv... ;)

  6. TAK, for det Astrid. Emil er en følsom dreng, der tænker meget over livet og dets udfordringer og fornøjelser, men heldigvis er han også rigtig god til at glemme tid og sted i leg med sine venner. :0)

    Tænk, at jeg ikke engang har set awarden!! Jeg har ikke fået set på særlig mange blogge i ferien, og fik da kun lige læst dit nyeste indlæg her til morgen...

    MEN, nu har jeg set den - og har skrevet lidt mere til dig på din blog - og hvor er jeg bare glad. 1000 tak for dine utrolig søde ord.

  7. That is not an easy have to be quite coordinated and fast :)Congrats to Emil!


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