Sunday, February 01, 2009

The last week of January included:

....old and new hyacinth glasses which made me cheerful, delicoius Cream Puffs made by my son last Monday and delightful fabric from Marimekko (which I have dreamt of for a loooong it was on sale!!)

A warm welcome to February ahead of us and hopefully more sunlight outside...I will enjoy seing it through the coloured hyacinth glasses.


  1. Oh, I love your photo grouping with the beautiful purple and green glass and the fabric. Those cream puffs look delicious, too!

  2. Det er smukke farver, dine hyacintglas har. Og forårsagtige! :)

  3. Thank you very much, willynillywtaerlily :0) I'm so into green and purple together these days...
    The Cream Puffs were great - and of course with Emil's favourite colour in icing ;0)


    Mange tak, Astrid :0) De grønne hyacintglas havde jeg i forvejen og ved at tilføje et lilla af slagsen, opstod der pludselig noget helt andet... ;0)

  4. oh! my favorite flowers & my 2 favorite colors together - just a gorgeous grouping of photos!

  5. I love hyacinths with a passion. They are the essence of spring in my eyes.


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