Wednesday, January 07, 2009

I'm getting there

I assume that my 2nd big "Mini" from will be done in a few days. Anne-Sophie tried it on today and the cardigan is by now the length she wants it to have - actually it's a bit too long. Unravel, unravel!! But luckily only 5 rows or so...

I really like the colour she chose and I'm excited to see the big buttons she has been talking about. I hope the buttons holes are big enough!

I will not be short of knitting projects when I'm done with the "Mini". Today I got the yarn and pattern for this lovely sweater, and I bought the most gorgeous wool cotton for a little hat yesterday - the Flower Toggle Hat from one of Lucinda Guy's books.

And let's not forget this s...l...o...w project!

I always end up with a million projects at a time, not knowing which one to finish first!


  1. Jeg starter også - snart!

  2. Det er vel nok godt at høre, Gitte. Er dine håndled helt i orden?

    Hav en god dag i morgen :0)

  3. "Slid, men vid
    ting ta´r tid"
    - og helt forkert er det vel ikke. jeg er sikker på at hoved-blusen bli´r fantastisk!

  4. Tak skal du have, Hanne :0) Den vil tage tid, og det hjælper vist ikke på sagen, at jeg altid har gang i flere strikketøjsprojekter. Men det er nu lidt hyggeligt at kunne skifte... ;0)

  5. Hej Ulla, Tak i lige måde - nu er det godt nok aften ;-)

    Håndledene har det ret fint. Det passer tilsyneladende til mine arme med tykkere pinde lige nu.

  6. I really like the Minis that you have been making. I wish we could get nice patterns like that here in the US.

  7. Man er nødt til at have flere strikketøj i gang på en gang :O)
    Tænk om man ikke har 'lyst' til at strikke det ene i dag, men det andet, så den er jeg med på- måske bare for mange *gg*

  8. It's a lovely pattern, Oiyi I agree :0)
    Maybe you should take a look at this pattern, which actually looks rather similar to the Mini:

    I hope you like it :0)


    Vi må have forskellige valgmuligheder, Gitte ;0) Men når det bliver for mange, føler man sig lidt ubeslutsom ;0)


I - read - and - enjoy - every - single - comment - and - try - to - respond - to - it - as - soon - as - possible.

Thanks - a - lot . . . I - really - appriciate - it.