Friday, January 09, 2009

Do you know Shane Brox??

I'm a huge fan of Shane Brox - "who is he?" you might ask yourself.

He's an author and a designer. I saw him for the first time, in one of his programs for children on DR, our national tv channel.

He is a FABULOUS story teller and while he tells his amazing stories on TV, he creates his very own fantasy world and characters out of everyday things. He paints, cuts out things, glues - you name it!

It's hard for me to tell how wonderful he is for children and their imagination - you actually have to see for yourself (and if you live in Denmark you can see him every Friday at six o'clock.) Or you can have a look at this. Besides making TV, Shane Brox has written a number of books for children as well. Like this one:

And "The magical cookery book".

Shane Brox has also made a fantastic project for Royal Copenhagen - a very famous Danish firm which makes high quality porcelain products which are known all over the world.

He has recreated "Royal White" - a number of figurines taken from the heritage of Royal Copenhagen's works over the last 232 years. The figurines used to be painted in colours, but Shane Brox had them painted white, in order to make them more contemporary.

He did make something else with some of the figurines as well - he brought them into one of his stories and created a dinner service for children.

Who wouldn't love to eat food from this beautiful service?

I simply can't get enough of Shane Brox's fantasy worlds and amazing creations - and I keep watching children's TV on Fridays at six o'clock....


  1. Nej, navnet siger mig ikke noget, men...jeg kender ham godt ud fra billedet og din beskrivelse. Og ja, han er simpelthen en fantastisk fortæller og skaber nogle helt vidunderlige universer.

    Jeg sad og så lidt af Fjernsyn for Dig med mine piger på 6½ og 2½ år her til aften (kl. 17.30 og ikke kl. 18.00 ;-)) - jeg blev lige så grebet af hans historie, som mine piger - som var lige så fascinerede af det, som pigen han havde besøg af

  2. Jeg melder mig også helt klart i fanskaren - fulgte også med i hans sidste serie - og elsker det!!!
    Både hans enorme fantasi, sans for eventyret og det magiske, samspillet med børnene, og endda også hans søde dialekt ;o)

  3. Jeg synes altså også, at han er helt fantastisk, Lisbeth. Alt det han skaber mens han fortæller, er så inspirerende.
    Lige noget for mig og selvom mine børn nu er 11 og 16, kan de faktisk også godt lidt at følge programmet ind imellem. Man bliver vel aldrig for gammel til en god historie - klokken 17.30 ;0))


    Præcis Annette!! Hans dialekt gør bare det hele endnu bedre - og han er virkelig god til at drage børnene og deres ideer ind i dét han fortæller.

  4. that children service is just TOO PRECIOUS !

  5. I love it too, fine and I adore the colours :0)


I - read - and - enjoy - every - single - comment - and - try - to - respond - to - it - as - soon - as - possible.

Thanks - a - lot . . . I - really - appriciate - it.