Sunday, November 23, 2008


Back in October our very dear friends Håkan and Lotte invited us out.... We were not to know what it was all about. That was a surprise. Christian and I spent many hours pondering about the surprise. What could it be?? Various proposals were tossed in the air, but none of them came close to the actual event. Finally the day arrived....we were going to a concert!! Christian and I both love music, and especially live. Sadly Liselotte was taken ill and couldn't go with the rest of us.

These fellows were the ones which we were going to see and hear in concert....

Neither Christian nor I had heard about this band before, but now we will never forget them. Actually we hear their songs rather frequently - and loud - at the moment (Anne-Sophie and Emil have even gotten to know the lyrics and sing along).

We were not many people at the concert, but placed in a fairly small room with round tables and chairs, we atttended the best intimate and personal concert ever.

The music was simply brilliant and the band was amazing. Two guitars and a wouldn't believe how well they performed.

I can only give Tournesol my best recommandations and you should really go to their website and listen to "Weekend Superman"...Or even better attend a concert of theirs!

I do however think that the best part of all this is, that we fell so lucky in our little family to have friends like Liselotte and Håkan and their children. It's so fantastic and heartwarming that they wanted to give us such a wonderful evening.....I hope we will be able to surprise them in the future!


  1. Hej Ulla. Første gang jeg kommenterer - og jeg nyder ellers din blog og dine smukke ting hver dag. Jeg var lige nødt til at kommentere i dag - syens det var så sjovt at læse om Tournesol. Forsangeren Ole var engang medhjælper i min klasse for udviklingshæmmede børn. Jeg synes han er en dejlig sanger, og han var et sjovt bekendtskab dengang. Vil staks følge dit link til deres hjemmeside, tak :-)
    Venlig hilsen Inge
    (ingeberg på Ravelry)

  2. Hej Inge!

    Hvor er jeg glad for at du skrev en kommentar. :0)
    Ja, jeg følger jo med glæde med i hvad du laver af smukke strikkede ting på Ravelry. Jeg tror ikke du har lavet noget som jeg ikke kan lide....

    Hvor er det bare pudsigt at du kender forsangeren Ole!! Han var utrolig dygtig og har en stemme som rummer så mange facetter. Og så var han humoristisk - den egenskab gjorde ikke koncerten mindre god :0)

    Du skulle virkelig tage at høre deres numre...

    God søndag :0)



I - read - and - enjoy - every - single - comment - and - try - to - respond - to - it - as - soon - as - possible.

Thanks - a - lot . . . I - really - appriciate - it.