My parents-in-law recently returned from their holiday on Læsø - a Danish island.
As many of you probably already know, Læsø has a wonderful shop with lots of beautiful yarn and other desirable things. If you go to the island and want to visit the shop, then look for the name "Uldstuen".
Well, my mother-in-law definitely had to see the shop again, and while she was there, she bought buttons and soap for me.
I love soap - especially English and French soap. (I enjoyed looking at soap bars when I lived in London and had my weekly day off. The smell and beautiful wrapping...oh!)
The buttons I got were made from stone and horn. They all look beautiful and I think that the ones in stone will be fabulous on a knitted cardigan.
Jeg tror, at hvis det var mine knapper, ville jeg nok bare have dem til pynt. Det er super smukke og det er indpakningen til sæben også.
ReplyDeleteGod fredag ;-)
Aah I love soaps too (and the nice little shops where they are to get of course too!! :))
ReplyDeleteHave a nice weekend !
I wonder how wool-fat soap smells, because I don't particularly like the smell of 'fresh' wool! The buttons would definitely look good on a knitted cardigan or sweater!
ReplyDeleteJa, den tanke strejfede også mig, Jeannette Mariae, men jeg tror at trangen til at sy dem på et strikketøj vinder. ;))
ReplyDeleteSæben derimod vil nok komme til at pynte en stund endnu - jeg vænner ikke at smide det fine papir ud. :))
Rigtig god fredag til dig også. :))
That's true Uta - the shops where you can buy those kind of soaps, are also wonderful. Cozy and with the scent of different soaps and tea.
Thank you. Have a wonderful weekend too. :))
I thought about that text too, Nicole - but it actually smells wonderful and very clean. Not too much of perfume.
I like the bit of "raw" look the stone buttons have. A brown or a grey cardigan is the first thing that came to my mind when I saw them. :))
Have a nice weekend. :))
Kære Ulla
ReplyDeleteJa uldstuen er en fantastisk butik, jeg bestiller af og til gennem telefonen og får sendt har farvekort herhjemme :-) Men jeg håber nu en dag at kunne sætte mine fødder i butikken og fortabe mig nogle timer i de mange garner og sager ;-)
Rigtig god weekend
Hvor er du heldig, at sviger'ne tog sådan nogle skatte med hjem til dig! ;O)
ReplyDeleteHa´en rigtig god week-end
What a nice surprise from your in-laws to bring along soap and very unique and great looking buttons.
ReplyDeleteRight now twins are here and look after the two little ones (first time in 3 years I have TIME to drink tea, look at a magazine (did all that already). OHHH! This will be a regular thing now, so Friday afternoon will be a more quiet day of the week and I can recharge a bit (and sew during the day while the are awake, yhipeeee!).
Wishing you a great weekend dear Ulla, my "camera" has just come back after a week of travelling and we will enjoy our evening together today.
Jeg drømmer også om at besøge butikken selv engang, Wenche. ;)) Det virker til at være en super lækker butik, hvor jeg er sikker på, at vi begge kunne få noget at bruge penge på...
ReplyDeleteJeg har dog været på Læsø før, men dengang var jeg 14 og på tur med skolen. Jeg strikkede også godt nok dengang, men det var vist ikke lige det jeg koncentrerede mig mest om. ;))
Ja, det var dejligt med en overraskelse, Rosanna. :)) Den slags får man aldrig for mange af. :))
Hav en rigtig dejlig mandag...
How nice for you, Nina. :)) When the children are small one always has an eye on them all the time, so it's definitely nice with some time to oneself.
It sounds like a good deal you have made with the twins. I'm really delighted for you - how great to be able to do exactly what you want to do. :))
I hope you had a wonderful weekend with your returned "camera". ;))
Enjoy the first day of the week, dear Nina. :))