A few days ago I really felt the need to change that, and that is why I cut out fabric for 2 pair of trousers for boys. One in size 62 cl and one in size 5-6 years.
I did, however, also cut out a summerdress size 110 cl, but that was only because I tend to sew on 2-3 things simultaniously....
For the big trousers I wanted to use the fabric you see above, which I bought at Skals Håndarbejdsskole's summermarket last year.
My eyes caught this wonderful fabric right away and I immediatly knew, that I was going to make it into boys' trousers.
(I actually had hoped that I could persuade Emil into wearning trousers in this beautiful fabric, but I knew that the result of that conversation was a foregone conclusion......)
And that is why I made these with adjustable elastic in the waistline and a pocket with little white stars.
The summerdress is done as well.....the fabric is in paleblue, red and orange. The pattern is mostly for warmer days, but I think that a thin t-shirt with long sleeves underneath the dress would look fine.

The straps are made from Gingham in red & white, and I plan to make a pair of trousers in the same fabric (and size) - I think the Gingham would suit the dress perfectly....
If you wonder what the tiny trousers looks like, then I will have to dissapoint you! They are not done yet, but the fabric has the most adoring colour and has tiny robots printed all over....
Det er så skønne ting du får syet. Du er super god til at sætte farver og mønstre sammen.
ReplyDeleteHa´ en god eftermiddag.
KH Gitte
Ja - det er altså super godt til det der. Bukserne bliver helt fantastiske ved kombinationen af striber og prikker. OG - rigtig sød kjole.
ReplyDeleteHej Ulla. Lars og jeg venter at modtage et mindre plejebarn, forhåbentlig rigtig snart. Så vil jeg altså bestille noget tøj hos dig... Det kan simpelthen ikke være anderledes. Jeg elsker dine præstationer og dit valg af farver og stoffer :-)
ReplyDeleteMange tak, Gitte! Jeg prøver mig frem, sammenligner stof i lange baner indtil den rette kombination er der. Andre gange kommmer det bare som lyn fra en klar himmel.
ReplyDeleteMen HVER gang følger jeg hoved og hjerte :0)
Jeg håber det gik godt for dig i dag....
Rigtig god aften, Gitte.
1000 tak, Gitte :0) Jeg tror også at bukserne kommer til at passe godt sammen med kjolen. Jeg elsker at blande mønstre....( Jeg tror min mor vil sige, at mine valg nogen gange er "lidt vilde" ;0) )
Hyggelig aften med din familie :0)
Hej Jeannette Mariae!
Hvor lyder det dejligt for jer. Jeg tror helt bestemt, at det pågældende barn vil være rigtig heldig med at komme lige præcis til jer :0)
Min mand arbejder også med plejebørn/anbragte børn. Han er leder af et socialpædagogisk opholdssted for børn og unge...og jeg tror dit hjerte - i forhold til børnene - er lige så "stort" som hans :0)
Hvor er det sødt af dig, at du synes så godt om det jeg syer. Det gør mig rigtig glad....Jeg vil hellere end gerne sy til dig :0)
Hav en dejlig aften....
That dress is just so cute.The gingham in red & white is such a nice little detail. Have a good week :)
ReplyDeleteHmmm Ulla... du har gjort det igen. Bukserne er bare super flotte og kjolen...suk ... hvis den ikke allerede er lovet væk så tror jeg Maria kommer over og prøver den en af dagene :0)
ReplyDeleteForårsglade hilsner Dorthe
You certainly have an eye for choosing just the right fabrics for the beautiful clothes you sew, Ulla. I really like the gingham for the straps on the dress - the fabrics look so pretty together.
ReplyDeleteI love those trousers!! You always make such wonderful clothing..makes me wish I knew how to sew (or sew with my machine , anyhow):)
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot, Claudia! :0)
ReplyDeleteI definitely have a thing for Gingham ;0) It goes so well along with other fabrics.
Have a vey nice week too...
Kære Dorte!
Tusind tak :0) Kom du bare - du er hjertelig velkommen...og gerne med bare fødder ;0)Godt vi går dén tid i møde!
Thank you so much, Kathrine! :0)
I could say the excact same thing to you, when you make your quilts...
I just try to make my clothes unique and special, because every child who wears it is special.
Thanks a lot, Christine! :0)
I must admit that I love the fabric, which I made the trousers in as well. Just perfect for spring with the pale brown colour.
Sadly I couldn't convince Emil to get some trousers in it :(
You definitely know how to sew - your dolls wear the most amazing clothes!! But you don't make it on your sewing machine?
I bet you could sew beautiful things on it ;0)