Friday, October 19, 2007

Nisser and monkey skirt

Look what came in my mailbox today! The wonderful, amazing "nisser" from the Danish company Maileg (from this shop). Each year for christmas I buy 1 or 2 new "nisser" and I love them so much. My very first Maileg "nisse" was a gift to me, many years ago, from my dear friend Lise Lotte. Since then....well, they have become a collector's item to me - and many other Danish women.

More about christmas! I don't know what has gotten in to me, but the Maileg "nisse" in my mailbox must definitely be a sign....

To change the subject I want to show the beautiful flower in the picture. My daughter made it for her long hair and I like the way she has decorated it with buttons.

The skirt in the other picture is one I made the other day. The most awful thing that I have ever made according to my daughter - I am satisfied with it though...

1 comment:

  1. Maileg nisserne er noget af det skønneste julepynt :-) Jeg kan også rigtig godt li stofnisserne. Sidste år syede jeg selv en stor gås- næsten mage til mailegs, og i år regner jeg med det er grisens tur :-)
    Og sikke en fin nederdel du har syet! Herlige abekatter..
    Elastikket er da ganske personligt, og jeg er vild med knapper i alle afskygninger. Man kan lave så mange ting med knapper! Skønt hun gider, datteren :-)


I - read - and - enjoy - every - single - comment - and - try - to - respond - to - it - as - soon - as - possible.

Thanks - a - lot . . . I - really - appriciate - it.