Tuesday, March 27, 2012

From Eszter Schall's hands

I'm dreaming of this beautiful print called Woman 2011. The artist is Eszter Schall who is a graphic designer and an illustrator. She lives in Hungary, and she has a shop on etsy, where she sells her unique work.

Woman 2011
Photo from Eszter Scall's etsy shop
I like the way she uses colours and the fact that she has a naive style. I'm a huge fan of naive artists.

If I have to be completely honest then I had better show you this other print from Eszter Schall as well, called Lovemaking with nature

I want that too...badly.

lovemaking with the nature
Photo from Eszter Scall's etsy shop


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Åh, Ulla... Faldt pladask for det første billede, så nu har jeg altså købt det. Tak for inspirationen... ;-)

    1. Jeg er også helt vild med det, Jeannette Mariae så jeg forstår dig. ;)) Og hvor dejligt at det nu kommer til at pryde dine vægge. Jeg tror også, at det kommer til at hænge herhjemme hos mig inden længe. :))

  3. Thank you for introducing her to us. Those are beautiful prints.

    1. Definitely my pleasure, Anne Marie. :)) I'm happy that you like her too. She makes such beautiful things. :)


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