Friday, March 02, 2012

I love Broccoli!!

Both when I eat it, but also when I see it in this kind way.

It's a drawing from Anne-Sophie's daily journal of drawings. Something all the students are supposed to make during their studies of architecture.

Broccoli  by lille-ursus

Broccoli , a photo by lille-ursus on Flickr.
Anne-Sophie tests and challenges herself in varoius drawing techniques. And this particular item is made with a few lines and an unknown amount of tiny dots.

I could so easily see it in a passe-partout in a simple black frame...on my wall. (Along with the onion and carrot she made in the same way).

When ever she comes to visit us, she brings along her computer and her journal or other drawings. She knows that we love to see what she has made, since the last time she was home. It's inspirering and very exiting to see what she's working at.

I used to draw and paint a great deal, but in recent years it has been close to nothing. But all Anne-Sophie's ideas have made me want to draw again - so far I have only accomplished to buy myself some new pencils...but I'm drawing in my mind.


  1. Forstår din kærlighed til broccoli :-)
    Jeg elsker det grønne kål.
    Det er fantatisk hvad, din datter kan med sin pen. Det må være spændende at følge.
    Jeg tror, at skridet er taget for dig, ofte tager vi de første skridt i hovedet og så er vi parate :-)

  2. i love broccoli too! and this one is wonderfull! your daughter drew this ? she is very talented. must be coming from her mom. ^_^ do not underestimate yourself. if you used to draw before, your talent is still there, just need to let go and follow your instincts.
    take care xoxo

  3. Oh she is talented and sure she got a lot of her talent from her sweet - never idle hands - Mom!

    Spring has visited us the last days, Ulla. It was sooo good to smell the first warm wind and the boy and I have been going through the garden, looking for every corner which has been covered with snow the last couple of weeks. Though it hasn't been much snow this year.
    The girl is lying on the sofa, hiiiigh fever, the poor little one is fighting a virus today. And tomorrow we planned a visit to the circus, hmmm, I can not imagine she will be up for it by tomorrow... sigh.


  4. Hold da helt op Ulla.....gad vide hvem hun har sit talent fra ;0)

    .....får jo helt lyst til broccoli tærte ;0)

    Knus og dejlige forårs hilsner .....også fra Claus der sidder på et skib i det indiske osean ;0)

  5. Det gør jeg godt nok også, Miri. Ja, jeg holder i det hele taget rigtig meget af grøntsager. :)
    Og tusind for de søde ord om Anne-Sophies tegning. Det er utroligt hvad et stolt moderhjerte kan vise frem - men jeg er simpelthen så glad for, at hun er utrolig glad for at have fundet den rigtige hylde med både teori og kreativitet. :))

    Du har helt ret i at de største skridt tages i hovedet. hold op hvor gør det sig bare gældende i mange af livets facetter. :)) Så forhåbentlig får jeg snart gang i tegneblyanterne igen. ;)


    Thank you so much, Monique. You are always so sweet. :)) Yes, Anne-Sophie made this. I thought that it was funny to show how ordinary everyday things can show their beauty.
    I hope that I still know how to draw. I definitely have the urge to do it. ;))

    Take care too.
    xoxo Ulla


    Dear Nina, thank you so much. :)) I'm afraid that I can't take credit for Anne-Sophie's talent, but I hope that I have given her (and Emil) the love for crafting and drawing - well, to express herself in mutiple ways.

    I hope your sweet girl is feeling better. It's not funny at all to feel that way. (I just felt the same way for 3 days).
    And I really hope she got to go to the circus with you.
    We crave spring here too. For a while I tought that it was here, but now it's SO cold again!

    Take care, Nina


    Tusind tak, Dorthe. :)) Talentet kommer ikke fra mig. Hun har alle dage elsket at tegne og male, og tænk at hun nu er så heldig at kunne bruge det i sin uddannelse. Det glæder mig hver eneste dag. :))

    Jeg tænkte faktisk på om Claus skulle afsted for nogle dage siden, efter at have set nyhederne. Jeg håber at han snart er hjemme hos jer igen. Men det er da næsten ikke til at bære hvis han vender solbrændt hjem. ;))

    Knus og hilsner til dig


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