Only this time they leave tomorrow and doesn't return before January the 3rd. That means a Christmas evening without Anne-Sophie - something we haven't tried before.

I know that it's going to be very hard not to have her here, but on the other hand I'm happy that she will have a lovely time. She has just had 14 very stressful days due to the fact, that she (and the rest of her classmates) had to make a big assignment. She has had very little time to relax, and I really think it will be wonderful for her to have the time to enjoy herself and take it easy.
However, I'm convinced that lots of thoughts will be sent to her from all of us and the rest of her family, when Christmas evening arrives...and the other way around.
So now I have made her a Christmas letter to bring to Thailand. And it's not to be opened before the 24th. (All her presents are left at home for later).
When Anne-Sophie and Tim return in the beginning of January, I have promised Anne-Sophie that we will make a traditional Christmas dinner for them.....with Risalamande and - of course - an almond prize (the one who finds the almond which has been put secretly into the Risalamande, gets a little gift)..
Det er selvfølgelig SÅ dejligt og fuld fortjent:-)
ReplyDeleteMen , jeg forstår DIG :-)
Kan sandelig godt forstå at hun bliver savnet. Men sådan bliver det jo nok når ungerne bliver store, og får deres eget liv.
ReplyDeleteSikken et smukt brev.
I am sorry to hear that Anne-Sophie will be away for Christmas...that will be strange for you all.
ReplyDeleteI am sure that she will love opening her gift ahen the time comes...It looks beautiful. I wish I had more patience to wrap things nicely!
I watched a TV programme last night,(strange, because I seldom watch TV!) called the Hairy Bikers, and they visited mothers making tradional Christmas food from other countries, and a Danish lady made this pudding,and the person who found the almond got a marzipan pig! (She also made lamb ribs and a ring cake.)
I am sure Anne-Sophie and Tim will look forward to your meal upon their return.
For søren da også Ulla - jeg forstår dit hjerte bløder en lille smule. De bliver store og selvstændige de unger.....og heldivis for det.....det kan bare være svært at følge med.
ReplyDeleteJeg er sikker på at de to får en helt fantastisk tur til Thailands sol og varme - men jeg er lige så sikker på at de glæder sig til julemiddagen når de komer hjem :0)
Knus Dorthe
Ja, hun fortjener det virkelig, Miri. Hun har knoklet og knoklet i 14 dage med sin SRP 3. års opgave. Og så blev flyet selvfølgelig forsinket et par dage...
ReplyDeleteMen i morgen er de på vej til sol og varme. :))
Julen bliver bestemt anderledes i år. Men jeg er overbevist om at vi nok skal få en hyggelig aften. :))
Det er jo det, Gitte og jeg glæder mig så meget på Anne-Sophies vegne. Hun vil nyde den ferie i fulde drag, selvom hun da havde det lidt træls med at skulle være væk i julen. Hun er et familiemenneske og elsker når vi alle samles. :))
You are so sweet, Millie. :)) It will definitely be a different Christmas this year with Anne-Sophie celebrating it away from our family. But that's the way it is and I know that she will love the holiday and the time off.
How funny that you saw a program about Risalamande! That's exactly what many Danes eat for pudding on Christmas Eve. And when I were a child there was always a marzipan pig for the one who found the almond. Nowadays the gift can be anything like games, books, chocolate and so on. :))
I sure hope to be one who finds it this year. ;))
Uha, Dorthe jeg har så svært ved at undvære Anne-Sophie efter hun er flyttet. Det er virkelig en stor omvæltning i ens liv.
Hun fik ferien som en gave fra Tim og først overvejede de at tage afsted d. 27. for at få julen med herhjemme (de er begge familiemennesker med stort F), men så ville de ikke få mange dage i Thailand når rejsetiden er så lang.
Nu er de blevet et par dage forsinket pga. vejret men i morgen formiddag flyver de. Før snestormen kommer... ;))
Og når de så vender hjem igen, SÅ får de julemiddag for alle pengene - og julegaver. :))
Knus Ulla
How thoughtful and kind ...
ReplyDeleteHappy Christmas, keep warm!
Love, Barbara
Thank you so much, Barbara. :))
ReplyDeleteI hope that the Cristmas letter and a little part of her present, will do her good on Christmas Eve when she is so far away.
A very merry Christmas to you and family as well. :))