Thursday, May 20, 2010

The joys of domestical animals

They don't make a mess

They need no food

You will never hear them mooing, grunting or neighing

They don't take up a whole lot of space

They exercise when ever you want them to

Even the youngest friend can buy them for you


  1. I have this with angels - you put a tea light in it and it turns round. It gives lovely moving shimmers at the ceiling and we all love it during Christmas time...

    Big hug,


  2. Ja, det er en skøn ting med den slags dyr, Miri. ;))

    Det er en fin lysestage jeg har fået af vores venner. Deres dreng Oskar, som jeg ind imellem er med til bedsteforældredag, har valgt den specielt til mig. :))


    How funny, Nina, we have one with angels too which we use for Christmas. On each angel there is a little stick which hits a bell when it spinns. The finest sound appear.
    This one with animals is from our friends for my birthday, picked especially for me by their son Oskar. :))

    Have a fine evening,
    Big hugs

  3. SMART!.. skøn måde, at holde husdyr på! Nu har jeg givet vores kaniner væk, og hvis jeg synes vi skal have "besværlige" husdyr igen, så kan jeg jo lige anskaffe sådan en lysestage, som du har dér

  4. Hvor er den dog bare skøn! Den bringer smilet frem på mine læber denne formiddag. Ha' en dejlig dag. c",)

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