Tuesday, May 04, 2010

For my new spring coat

For my new spring coat, originally uploaded by lille-ursus.

I need a new coat for the windy spring days and cold summer evenings.

I have always loved stripes, and stripes it was. I really wanted the fabric to look in a different way - the bottom was supposed to be navy blue and the stripes white. But that combination was nowhere to be found on the day I needed it....

For now I have red buttons, but I can't make up my mind whether it is going to be another color. Orange or yellow could be cool too. Or purple.

A pattern has not been found yet, either. I'm still searching.....roughly I  know what I want. And I do have a couple of patterns in reserve should I not find what I want.

The length of the coat is going to be no longer than to my knees, I don't want a hat on it, I want pockets and some other funny details.


  1. Lyder spændende...jeg har stof liggende klar til yngstebarnets forårsjakke, men som du mangler jeg også grund-idéen til den helt rigtige jakke....men, jeg nærmer mig :-)

    Jeg glæder mig til at se dit resultat.


  2. Kære Ulla

    Der ser SKØNT ud i mit hoved bliver det såddan lidt en Irma pige Jakke, jeg er helt klart til gule knapper og store halvrunde lommer i stormønstret gult stof??

    Glæder mig til at se den.


  3. Kære Ulla

    forsvandt min kommentar mon?

    Det ser super SKØNT ud i mit hoved ser jeg en irmapige jakke for mig med store gule vintage knapper og store halvrunde lommer med mønstret gult stof ;-)

    Glæder mig til at se resultatet.


  4. I look forward to seeing the coat when you finally find the right pattern, or one of the reserves...I love the red buttons. I'd love to make a nice coat for myself too but haven't seen any pattern the "grabs me". It has to be just right, doesn't it...

  5. Bright red buttons will be perfect!

  6. http://www.indygojunctioninc.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=232

    You might like this Trench Topper or it may already be on your list. There are lots of variations. Worth taking a look at the reviews on Pattern Review for extra info. Happy Sewing!


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Thanks - a - lot . . . I - really - appriciate - it.