My treasure, originally uploaded by lille-ursus.
Sadly my grandfather died last December. When his house was to be sold, I was so lucky to inherit all of my grandmother's sewing things.
It was a dream come true for me to get them.
All my life my grandmother has set a fantastic example in crafting. She used all kinds of materials and things, which others might not see the potential in. And turned them into fantastic dolls, clothes and other wonderful creations.
As well as a pleasure, it was also emotionally hard to go through all these gorgeous items.
The centimetre measure is worn from her many years of work, and neatly folded ribbons, reminded me of her considerate and inventive personality.
Lots and lots of beautiful old buttons, which my grandmother had bought and cut of old clothes, which were to be discarded, are also mine now.
I really don't think that I have the heart to use them...not for a long time.
I can feel with you dear Ulla.
ReplyDeleteBut you have your grandmothers talent and I'm sure her treasures will be used in a beautiful way sometime!
Wishing you a lovely weekend,
Åhh gamle knapper er det rene guld og sikke en fantastisk ting at arve og mindes ved ;-)
ReplyDeleteGod weekend
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ReplyDeleteDear Ulla,
ReplyDeletesuch a nice post!
It is wonderful to keep the tools our grandparents used every day. We have some at home, too.
I got a lot from my family (as the heavy dress making scissors or measuring tape) and also lots of haberdashery. And F´s grandfather had sheep so we have a lot of tools for wool and such.
In general I don´t like to keep things like in a museum. My old table clothes need some daylight, the silver spoons a hot soup and the dress making scissors need my busy hands. That is what my relatives would have wished for.
It makes me sad of course when things break, but I rather use them for keeping memories alive than storing them in dark boxes...
Sending you a warm hug - Both Nina and me have missed you while we were spending a crafty time together!
i am so sorry Ulla for your loss. it is hard to lose someone we love so dearly. you inheritated of a beautiful treasure and i am sure one day you will make wonderful things with them.
ReplyDeleteUlla, What lovely things you have got and what memories they will evoke when you use them.
ReplyDeleteJust after christmas, I cleared out my Aunt's house. I just took everything home to my house. Like you, I got her sewing things,and knitting things, but also her whole house contents..pots, pans, china, kitchen utensils, old cookery books...everything. I have it stored away until I feel up to sorting through it.
I think ladies of a certain age (My aunt was 91) were skilled in using every last scrap and button, having lived through hard times.
I'm sure you will use your Grandmother's things to make wonderful creations, just like she did.
....jeg kan lige se for mig hvor ofte din bedstemor har siddet med metermålet for med sakkuratesse at måle sine projekter op......skønt når ting har "patina" og er slidt på den gode måde.
ReplyDeleteGod snedag ....igen :0)
Nina, you are really sweet. :)) If I only have a tiny bit of my grandmother's talent, then I will be very satisfied. She was so good...and very diligent.
ReplyDeleteIf only she and my grandfather were still here. That would be a whole lot better than having the sewing stuff - but that's life.
Have a lovely weekend too. :))
Der er bare så mange flotte knapper, Wenche. Nogle som jeg aldrig har set før og et par enkelte kort med knapper.
Nu har jeg brug for sådan en flot og genial løsning som du har fundet til dine knapper. :))
Når det ikke kan være anderledes, så er det en stor gave at arve. Jeg blev helt rørt over alle min bedstemors ting. De bar præg af masser af arbejde, og enkelte ting i de 3 store sykasser var hun ikke blevet færdig med...det var en underlig fornemmelse at sidde med de håndarbejder i hænderne.
Hav en rigtig god weekend, Wenche. :))
You really have a good point, Juliane. My grandmother would definitely have wanted me to use her things for new creations.
I'm certain that I will use them some day. It will just take a little while before I have the heart to do it. :))
Don't you think it's wonderful to have things which are passed on from former generations. The idea is so good - new hands which use the tools and materials, and new eyes that admire them.
I have a chest of drawers which I inherited from my other grandparents. It's standing in our livingroom, and I love looking at it and using it.
I would have loved to spend some time with you and Nina. What a fantastic situation that would have been. :))
Take good care, Juliane - I hope that you are doing well. :))
Thank you very much, Monique. :)) It's always hard to loose a dear family member, but the fact that my grandfather had a long and very happy life, makes it easier.
I hope to make something from and with my grandmother's things. It has to be something which I can keep. At least for a while. :))
I'm sorry that you have lost your aunt, Millie. But hopely she had had a long and fulfilling life. 91 years is a long life...
There must be many things for you in your aunt's belongings...but time will work for you, so you will be able to go through her things. I can understand why that must be hard at the moment.
You are so right about old ladies. I too believe that they had a totally different way of looking upon materials for crafting. I think they have been thrifty women, and tried to use every little bit they had and found. We could all learn from that here in 2010. :))
Hov, Dorthe! Du må være "hoppet ind" mens jeg skrev. :))
ReplyDeleteDu har helt ret. Det er dejligt når tings anvendelse ses. Min bedstemor havde altid noget i hænderne og var simpelthen det flittigste menneske jeg har kendt.
Med 7 børn, svigerbørn, børnebørn (og deres kærester) + oldebørn så var der nok at se til.
Faktisk har hun præsteret at lave gaver til stort set alle på een gang. Det var helt utroligt.
Og hun fandt altid tid og plads til os, hun var virkelig et vidunderligt forbillede.
Også en rigtig god snedag til jer. :))
Å det er inspirerende, ikke sant? Jeg var så heldig å arve min mormors sysaker. Knapper jeg hadde lekt med som liten. Noen av dem har jeg ikke hatt hjerte til å bruke ennå. De er skatter.