Monday, November 05, 2007

Chasing a rabbit....

At lunch time I was quitely doing the dishes. Every-thing was calm and I was humming a tune from the radio. I looked out of our kitchen window and saw the things I used to see. The shed, the pile of sand, the big pots of herbs....
A few minutes later an animal ran by - "maybe it is our cat" I said to myself. All of a sudden the animal began to jump ahead - not a thing a cat usually does - and what about the little, white, fluffy tail? Which cat was that? "Oh, it is a very fat hare" I sensibly concluded .
THEN I CAME TO MY SENSES: "Svupper" (our rabbit!) I shouted even though it couldn't hear me and no one else but me was at home...
I feverishly grabbed four carrots - as if that would do any good for a rabbit on the run - and rapidly put on the first pair of shoes in sight. I ran into our garden while I called out for our rabbit. Taught by bitter experience I put on a pair of my husbands red
working gloves (a rabbit can be SO wild whilst on the run!!!) Now our cat wanted to see what was going on: a cat + a rabbit = bad combination. I luckily got a hold of Svupper and meanwhile I tried to push the cat away to avoid stepping on it.
Walking was not fast enough beause Svupper - the whippersnapper - realized that the escape was over: he was furious and I counted myself lucky that I had put on the ugly working gloves.
Running was the only solution if I wanted to get him safely to the rabbit hutch - so there I was; running across our lawn with a wild rabbit in my hands, while I was yelling "steady Svupper, steady Svupper". (I hope that none of our neighbours heard me, but beliving that will be kidding myself!!)
I reached the rabbit hutch and Svupper was safe and sound, all though his tiny heart was pounding so hard (and mine too!!)
Just another, ordinary day at home.......

1 comment:

  1. Sikken en oplevelse, Ulla!! Både for dig, katten og kaninen! Godt I alle kom godt igennem..
    Jeg kan nu ellers godt få lidt billeder frem i mit hoved *GG*


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