Thursday, December 15, 2011

For marks and x x x x

Once more Maileg has come up with new and wonderful things for those of us, who like the whimsy stuff.

I might have to get myself one of their new calenders. It seems as if each month and day have plenty of room in which we can write down the plans and appointments of our family. That is indeed a necessity, because I have become so forgetful over the recent years. 
I haven't seen the whole calender yet, but from the photos I'm pleased with the fact that Dorthe Mailil's  characteristic figurines have made their entry in there as well.

So now we wait for 2012 . . .


  1. This is definitely a must-have... Love the drawings.

  2. Me too, Cille. :)) The have such happiness and life over them. :))

  3. Skønne maileg prints:-)
    fantastisk blog du har dig her Ulla:-)
    Tak fordi vi må læse med

  4. Tusind tak for de søde ord, Karina. :)) Det gør mig bare glad at du har lyst til at læse med på min lille blog. :))

    Og Maileg er næsten altid et hit. ;)


I - read - and - enjoy - every - single - comment - and - try - to - respond - to - it - as - soon - as - possible.

Thanks - a - lot . . . I - really - appriciate - it.