Monday, February 14, 2011

I'm elephant'ing

I have always loved this elephant pattern. And have manged to wear out one recipe of these...

I haven't knitted an elephant cardigan for years, so now I think that it's time for another. Originally I wanted to make the cardigan in a size 6 years so Agnes' bigsister Sarah could get it. And I even bought enough yarn for this size.

But then it struck me that maybe elephants were a bit too childish, for a 6 year old! I honestly don't think so, but who knows what today's 6 year olds like?
So instead I began knitting a size 2 years, and now the cardigan has become a future birthday or Christmas present for Agnes.

As you can see in the photo, I made the first pattern row in 2 grey shades. They were supposed to have other colours, but I wanted it to look simple so I went for the neutral choice. Sadly it looked completely wrong and I unraveled the whole lot.

Now I have found 2 beautiful red shades of yarn in my stash - they are more dusty than bright red. Perfect I think...but you will have to wait for photos of that.

Hopefully tomorrow will bring me a bit more elephant'ing - then the elephants can start marching all over the cardigan....


  1. lucky little Agnes! the elephants are darling...

  2. ÆldsteDatter og jeg sidder her og ønsker os begge en elefant cardigan !!

  3. Pamela, thank you very much. :)) I have made quite a few things for Agnes lately, but I just love knitting little baby things. ;))
    Eventhough it was meant for her bigsister Sarah, then I'm happy that I changed my mind.. :)

    Have a lovely day. :))


    Ved du hvad, Miri? Det er jeg bare rigtig glad for at i har lyst til...jeg har faktisk i mange år haft den samme trang til at have elefanter op og ned af arme og krop. ;)) Man kan sagtens lave en voksenudgave tror jeg.

    Hav en dejlig dag. :))

  4. Jeg elsker de børnetrøjer, elefanterne, spøgelserne, kattene, lammene, kaninerne, de er så skønne.

    Engang gad jeg at strikke den ene efter den anden, nu er jeg ikke så gode venner med flerfarvestrik mere.
    Gad vide, hvad der skete.

    Glæder mig til at følge dine elefanters rejse - lige meget hvilken farve at de ender med at ha'...

    Kærligst Anne

  5. Oh my goodness!...those are the cutest! Loooving your elephants! You always keep me so inspired...amazing you are!

  6. LOVE with the elephants!


  7. Kære Anne, mange tak. Jeg kan sagtens følge din ulyst til flerfarvede strikkerier. Sådan en periode havde jeg også i nogle år - og den kom netop af alt for meget flerfarve strik. Da jeg gik i gymnasiet gik jeg helt amok med mønster og farver. Det var efter dét at jeg holdt mig til ensfarvet i en årrække. ;))

    Men nu har jeg i et stykke tid fået gejsten til mange farver tilbage, og så måtte det bare blive elefanterne.

    Hav en dejlig dag - og nu igen med masser af sne! :))


    Alison, thank you ever so much. Your comment made me happy all the way into my heart. :))
    The elephants are coming along, eventhough I had to unravel for the 2nd time. I had made the 2nd row of elephants go the wrong way! ;)) Perhaps I shouldn't watch telly while knitting.

    Have a lovely day. :))


    Thank you so much, Maureen. :)) Those little elephants have also been a favourite of mine for years and years. I definitely wouldn't mind getting an elephant cardigan for myself sometime - or one with little ghosts. ;))

    And I just have to tell how much I admire you and your daughter's blogs. They are both so beautiful and full of gorgeous photos and fantastic work.

    I hope that your finger is getting better? Oh, it made me get goosebumps when I saw the photo!

    Have a fine day. :))

  8. oh this is so lovely, i bet Agens is going to love this. I don't think you are never too old to wear and elephant cardigan. i would wear one for sure ! ^-^
    your knitting isso beautiful, wish i were as good.

  9. i was reading older posts, love to visit your blog, such a sweet place. this lovey stripey sweater you made, well, you are right. Jacob is already 4 months and getting so big everyday. will have to forget about the sweater. thanks so much for your kind comments Ulla. take care xxx


I - read - and - enjoy - every - single - comment - and - try - to - respond - to - it - as - soon - as - possible.

Thanks - a - lot . . . I - really - appriciate - it.