Sunday, April 04, 2010

Thank you French magazine....

In a wonderful swap with my sweet blog friend Valerie from France, I got some gorgeous French magazines...and lots of other lovely surprises.

In one of them I saw this beautiful shawl. I think it looks so happy and refreshing with all those colors. The fact that it's worn over a striped sweater makes it look even more wonderful and sophisticated.

Both things are designed by Danièle Dietrich and the crocheted shawl can be bought as a kit in the French shop Elle Tricote la boutique. But sadly not for people outside France. Still I have enjoyed looking at the site and the shop.

I love that different patterns can be used and worn together. It gives us all so many possibilities to create our very own style.

When I was a child the dress code for colors and patterns was a lot more boring and conservative. For instance orange and paleblue would never have been a match in my childhood! And stripes with flowers - oh my, oh my....


  1. That sounds very inspiring, Ulla! I too love French magazines and craft books and I am happy that I get some of them from time to time at our newsagent´s.

    Was it Valerie from Un Arc En Ciel Dans Le Lavabo? If so, I have to admit that her blog is so very lovely to read - and I am glad that one of my dolls lives with her and her family...

  2. Det er godt nok et skønt sjal. jeg elsker tørklæder og sjaler og har dem i stakkevis -man kan aldrig få for mange ;).

    Trøjen er nu også ret lækker, jeg er helt vild med ærmerne.

  3. I remember having had a very clourful pullover when I was a kid (purple, yellow, orange, pink, red, ... many stripes).

    My Grandmother always said - I don't understand this pullover, the colours just don't match togehther.

    But we used to play "colour seeking", which meant you would not be cought if you wore something with the named colour. Me always being the youngest I was always happy when I was wearing this pullover because hardly any colour wasn't in it and i had a chance to win...

    BIG HUG, Nina

  4. Kære Ulla

    Den sweater er bare underskøn, en rigtig drømmeting jeg vil ønske mig.Måske svigermor kan lokkes ;-))
    Blandingen af farver og striber vil jeg sikkert flette ind i fremtidige kreationer! En opskrift behøver jeg vist ikke spørge om for jeg forstår ikke et ord fransk udover merci. Så MERCI for inspirationen og rigtig god sidste påskedag. Kærlige tanker herfra.

  5. I love that scarf/shawl and sweater together too. Why not live our life in color? Must fight the drabness.

  6. Ulla, du hækler det bare uden opskrift :O) Jeg er sikker på du kan.....
    Den stribede trøje er da også for lækker, god inspirationskilde.

  7. Like you, I truely am a great fan of French craft and interior decoration books, Juliane. I love the style and the simple elegance.
    And that goes for the many gorgeous knitting patterns as well...

    Right now I'm actually waiting for three books I recently ordered in France - I can hardly wait for them to arrive. ;))

    It was Valerie indeed. She's so sweet and I adore her blog and her work too. How funny that one of your beautiful dolls is living in France with her. :))

    Have a lovely day....


    Præcis, Pialouise! Sjaler og tørklæder må man have i hobetal. :))
    Jeg kunne ikke stå for de mange skønne farver i sjalet - de er farverige uden at være for skrappe.

    Stiberne på trøjen er også super flotte...tænk engang hvor glad man vil blive af at bære sådan en trøje. :)

    En rigtig god tirsdag til dig...


    What a wonderful sweater you had as a child, Nina. Perfect for the game!

    I think it's rather funny that your grandmother didn't understand your sweater with all it's colors. One of my grandmothers was excactly like that too.

    I remember having crocheted overalls in different purple shades, which my mother had made for me. They were indeed heavy on rainy days. ;))

    Have a wonderful Tuesday, dear Nina. :))

    Big HUGS,


    Kære Wenche!

    Jeg synes altså også at farverne var skønne på sjalet og trøjen...jeg holder så meget af farver. :))

    Det må være skønt med en strikkende svigermor der er til at lokke med på sjove opgaver. Sådan var det også med min mor inden hun fik en hjernebløding.

    Jeg kæmper nu også med de franske opskrifter. Jeg forstår godt det meste, men der er jo også mange fagudtryk. Men de bliver efterhånden genkendelige jo flere gange jeg møder dem. :))

    Hav er rigtig god tirsdag. Jeg håber at solen skinner lidt mere hos dig end den gør her. :))



    We should live our life with lots of colors, craftivore - that's so true.
    I think that colors affect our lives much more than we know. Just think about the darkness of winter and the brightness of spring - the colors which show in those seasons definitely affect me.

    Have a lovely and colorful day. :))


    Mange tak for tilliden, Hanne. Jeg er vist desværre et alt for stort fjog med en hæklenål til at kunne gøre det. ;))

    Men der er virkelig mange ting som jeg ville ønske jeg kunne hækle. Dog er jeg ikke sikker på at mit ringe forråd af luft- og stangmasker slår til...

    Jeg blev nu også meget inspireret af sættet, og på hjemmesiden Elle Tricote er der endnu mere af samme designer.

    Hav en dejlig tirsdag. :))


    Præcis, Jeannette Mariae. Jeg tror du er af samme mening som mig. Men forskellen er, at du vil kunne lave sjalet. ;))
    Der er masser af sjaler derude, men dette havde nu et eller andet helt specielt over sig.

    Rigtig god dag til dig i engens land. :))

  8. you're so sweet Ulla !
    I enjoy my Bloligliv so much !
    yes Juliane I'm the one ! Your little girl is just fine with us & I'm still so sorry you didn't receive your MCI last Christmas... shame on the mail service.
    Ulla, let me know if I can help... you can have this kit shipped to my address if you like and I'll forward it to you ?

  9. Valerie, you are an amazing woman. So heartwarm and helpfull. :)) I can never buy Boligliv again without thinking of you. :))
    I love the magazines you sent mr and have read them over and over. At the moment my mom is reading one of them - but only for a while, because I want it back ;)) - she loves interior designs as well.
    Have a wonderful day. :))

  10. Lucky girl! The front cover of that magazine is gorgeous!

  11. I really do feel lucky, Anne. It was such a wonderful swap and I love French magazines....and things ;))

    Have a lovely weekend. :))

  12. Oh goodness that shawl is stunning!! Why do we have to miss out!! LOL! I wish I could buy one!

  13. I sure love it too - the colors are so fine together.
    And I totally agree with you: why on earth do the wonderful stuff always seem to be unreachable? :))
    Have a lovely day...


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