Saturday, April 17, 2010

An idea

Don't you know the feeling of annoyance when the glass breaks in a zinc lantern? And there is no chance of a candle being lid without the wind blowing it out. It has happened to me several times by now...

But then I got a great idea, if I may say so myself.

There is no reason to throw away the lanterns. Instead you take out the remaining glass. Drill a hole in the middle of the bottom and put the lantern on a pole and use it as a bird table.

(The ones that are low and square or rectangular, are probably more suitable for the purpose than the ones which are high and narrow.)

Sadly I came to think of this after my husband had left for the recycling depot, with 2 of my broken zinc laterns!!!


  1. Sikke en sød idé ;-)

    Altså Ulla - har du syet den lækre Marimekko jakke i lilla. Sådan en vil jeg også ha...... Jeg savler når jeg kigger på den!!!!!

  2. Great idea! And decorative as well...

  3. Hej.
    God ide :-))
    Her har jeg brugt lyskæder der bruger batterier, det ser også sødt ud.
    God søndag

  4. Sød idé. Den skal jeg huske.

  5. OH no! Better late than never? ;o)
    Seriously, I think it's a great idea and would love to see a picture of the one you can make. Pretty please....

  6. I am embarrased to say that I don't have one singel lantern... but your idea is excellent. Will be saved in the back of my head for the future.

  7. Mange tak, Gitte. :))En skam at jeg ikke selv prøvede den af før Christian forsvandt med lanternerne! ;)

    Ja, gid det var en jakke i den lilla Marimekko. Det er såmænd bare den "gamle" lille kjole jeg lavede for længe siden. Den med 70'er snit. Det er bare en af de ting jeg er allermest glad for at have lavet, så derfor kom den frem igen. :))


    Thanks a lot, Nina. :)) Now I almost wait for another lantern to break. ;)) No....

    Enjoy the weekend,


    Mange tak, Susanne. :)) Jeg ville ønske jeg kunne se din idé. Den lyder rigtig fin. :)


    Det er jeg glad for, Marie-Louise. :)) Jeg synes næsten det er en skam at smide "skeletet" ud når glasset går i stykker - men det endte det jo med at det var det jeg kom til. ;))


    I just have to break another lantern, Kathrine - or find a cheap one - to make my bird table. :)) Then I will definitely take a photo...


    How funny, Anne. Here in Denmark so many people have lanterns outside their doors, in which they light candles in the evening.

    I'm glad that you will save my idea. :))

  8. nice idea it is :) Now I´m waiting for a glass to break in one of my garden lanterns :)

  9. Thanks a lot. And so am I, Sandra. ;)) Now I must be more observant of what my husband takes to the recycling depot... ;))

    X Ulla


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