Friday, April 02, 2010


...that's what we are doing. It's still not easy not to have Anne-Sophie living at home anymore.

But we have seen each other a lot lately anyway, and that is so fine. I guess we all need that.

And I now know for certain, that we will still be very close to each other as a family. That is such a lovely and reassuring feeling.

Under our staircase I put some of Anne-Sophie's pillows and one of her quilts, while they waited for her to bring them to the appartment. I washed it all before she could take it along (I'm sure she would say that it's just typical for a mum!)

As they lay there in the chair, I really liked the patterns and the colors together. I have never thought about - and seen - those 3 things in this particular way...

But isn't it sometimes a sigh of relief to see everything - fabrics, people and experiences - in a different way and within a wider context? I think so....


  1. The different patterns look so good together. And yes sometimes we need to see old thing in a new way or in a new context...

  2. It sure is my dear!

    You are a sweet mother and it is great that Anne-Sophie will be happy to visit her old home again, believe me, there are many many who are happy to leave home (and not to come back for a visit) and I hope our kids will be happy to come home at anytime, too.

    Have a good weekend, hugs to you,


  3. Thank you very much, Anne :)) I like how they matched each other in that pile. The many shades of red really looked fine.

    I think it's very good to look upon things in a different way sometimes. We all get wiser from that. :))

    Have a lovely Sunday. :))


    Dear Nina,

    Thank you so much for your sweet words. :))
    It would break my heart if my children left home for good and with the intetion not to come back that often.
    I think you are right - a lot of people are happy to leave their parents.

    However, I'm so sure that your children will miss home a lot when they move sometime in the future. :))

    A wonderful weekend to you too. :))

    Easter hugs from
    Ulla :))

  4. I'm glad to hear the big change is going well. Best wishes!

  5. Kan godt forestille mig at det giver lidt tanker og følelser i "udbrud" når ens små "poder" flytter hjemmefra. For det er jo det bedste guld i verden, som man for alt ikke vil miste.

    Godt at I finder balancen.

    Og skønne puder i øvrigt.


I - read - and - enjoy - every - single - comment - and - try - to - respond - to - it - as - soon - as - possible.

Thanks - a - lot . . . I - really - appriciate - it.