Saturday, April 24, 2010


Not much creative going on here...But that's the way it is with me and back.

I do however want to show you some future books, which I think look exiting.

"Embroidery Companion" by Alicia Paulson - some of you maybe already know her from this book or her blog. The book will be out on August the 10th.

And "Créations en couture pour p'tits loups et grands rêveurs " by Gheno/Laëtitia. Available on June the 15th.

Both books look promising if you ask me...


  1. Uhmmm det ser godt ud ;-)

    God weekend søde Ulla

  2. Oh I didn't know about either of these books! They both look wonderful :)

  3. Åh, hvor ser de bøger SPÆNDENDE ud! Og jeg skal starte på arbejde om sølle 3 uger. Dét har jeg jo slet ikke tid til :O)

    Hav en skøn søndag aften

  4. Tusind tak, kære Wenche. :)) Jeg håber også at du havde en dejlig weekend med din familie...

    Nye bøger er altid en vidunderlig ting. Nogle bliver købt - andre drømmer jeg om. Men de to her må jeg have. ;))



    They sure do don't they, Nicole? I'm excited to see what Alicia Paulson has come up with this time. And I simply have a heart for whimsy toy animals like the ones on the cover of the French book. ;))


    Ja, de ser gode ud begge to, Rosanna. :))
    Tænk at du starter på arbejde snart. Jeg synes lige at det var den anden dag du fik din mindste pige!

    Heldigvis kan gode bøger nydes stort set alle steder. ;))

    Hav en dejlig dag. :))


  5. oh yes, they both look interesting. Thank you for sharing!
    X Sandra

  6. My pleasure, Sandra. :)) I'm always on the look for good and interesting books. :))

  7. Very interesting but where can we purchase that kind of book?


I - read - and - enjoy - every - single - comment - and - try - to - respond - to - it - as - soon - as - possible.

Thanks - a - lot . . . I - really - appriciate - it.