I adore Ursula!, originally uploaded by lille-ursus.
She is a very fine and elegant young lady, whom this fantastic woman - Cathy Gaubert - designed.
You probably already know how much I love Cathy's work, if you have been reading my blog for a while. She's the one who made the Lilybird Chandelier if you remember that one.
You probably already know how much I love Cathy's work, if you have been reading my blog for a while. She's the one who made the Lilybird Chandelier if you remember that one.
Cathy has something very special in her work. It's hard for me to explain just excactly what it is. But it's there, no matter which materials she works with.
Ursula is being embroidered on a purple tunic I'm making for myself. It's flax and the color is actually a bit paler, than on the picture. But it was hard to find enough light.
I'm looking forward to wearing Ursula....
... and I am looking foreward to seeing Ulla wearing Ursula.
ReplyDeleteHave a nice weekend,
XX Nina
...Og nu er jeg også helt vild med hende... Skøn inspiration ;-)
ReplyDeleteoh, my! surely you flatter me. :) as much as you admire me, i admire you, my friend.
I don't know why it's taken me so long to discover that you have a blog! I look forward to reading more. :-)
ReplyDeleteGeorgia x
just bought that very same embroidery design...but wish I had a tunic pattern that fit me! yours will be beautiful.
ReplyDeleteIt looks great so far! The colors are divine.
ReplyDeleteWe will see, Nina ;))
ReplyDeleteI'm really enjoying that Ursula. It's so funny to make.
Have a nice week.
Ulla :)))
Jamen hun er altså bare så dygtig, Jeannette Mariae! Jeg holder så utrolig meget af hendes tankegang og hendes "streg". :))
You deserve every bit of it, Cathy. :)) And thank you SO much for your sweet, sweet words. :))
Do you know the feeling when you have been to the library and have brought home a lot of great books, which you look forward to read....and you can hardly wait to get started? And then you just have to read a bit more, and yet another bit before you go on with the things you ought to do.
That is the effect your fabulous embroidery has on me. ;)))
It's rather funny, Georgia. I didn't know that you had one either. Not until I saw the new blog you and Nicole have made. ;))
How fine that we found out - then I can see more of your beautiful embroidery. ;)
Ulla x
I love it when Cathy makes new embroidery patterns, Larissa. They are so unique and great.
I will tell you if it is a good tunic pattern that I found, when I'm done with the it. :))
Thank you so much, mildawg. I have embroidered a bit more now. It's so fun. :))
Øj, hvor ser hun fin ud! Jeg ville ønske, at mine evner gik mere i den retning, men bare det der læderhåndtag jeg skulle sy på en taske for nylig, efterlod sig utallige huller i mine fingre... Stor beundring herfra! :)
ReplyDeleteDét tror jeg godt nok også jeg ville have fået huller i fingrene af. Jeg får det nogle gange, hvis strikkepindene er tynde. :))
ReplyDeleteTak for de søde, Astrid. Hun kunne bare ikke sidde andre steder end på min tunika. Og så hedder hun jo Ursula ;))
...for de søde ORD....
ReplyDeleteAltså Ulla
ReplyDeleteHvor er du altså produktiv, hele tiden nye smukke kreationer.
Du er ferm til det broderi. En sand brodøse(o:
De evner har jeg slet ikke eller tålmodighed for den sags skyld men jeg elsker at følge dine.