Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Finally snow

For a very brief moment, we almost felt like we were in the middle of a snowstorm this morning.....
Sadly it didn't last for long, although Emil hoped and praied that it wouldn't stop before his break at school.
Now the sun shines beautifully and some snow is still left - just enough for the children to have a little snowball fight....but the toboggan stays in the shed for now!

On a day like this I would love to go outside and enjoy the lovely sight of snow and sun. Or I could stay inside for a bit and keep my daughter company. She is working on a school project, and for that she has a whole week at home. Yesterday she had a long, hard day's work and showed a great deal of self-discipline by working for almost 11 hours - luckily with a few breaks.... While being with Anne-Sophie I can easily let my hands work on a little shirt for a friend's 4 year old boy.

The colour orange is not one that I have used in sewing before, but the little boy hoped for an orange shirt with a truck on it.....I definitely thought that it should turn out like he wanted it to, so orange it is... I just try to add my own ideas to it - and that is why the white and paleblue bias tape has been put on. As regards the truck, this is what I have come up with for the time being:

It still needs to have the windows made and on the side of it, I'm thinking about embroidering an icecream and a sign which says "ice".....or maybe "apples"...or "teddybears"....


  1. I love the truck! :-)

  2. Ja... klart skal der komme frost og sne lige den dag hvor bilen fik lov at stå UDE i indkørslen og ikke i garagen. Så isskraberen måtte frem. Håber ikke jeg vækkede hele nabolaget med mine eder og besværgelser meget tidligt i morges :0)

    Endnu en gang hatten af for dine kreative sider Ulla, det ser godt ud. Annesophie ser ud til at have arvet noget der, for de er da "for fede". Ha´ en god dag.
    Kærlig hilsen Dorthe


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