Two sweet women -
Gitte and
Jeanette Mariae - gave me some wonderful links and ideas for crocheting....
I feel so lucky that people want to make me gratefull, happy and inspired by doing things like this.

The ideas are all in this magazine from "
Interweave Crochet" - and there are so many and pretty patterns that I almost consider subscribing to the magazine.
Crocheting is a skill I don't posses that well, but definitely one which I wish I had!! And one that I will work on in the future....
The only item which I have been able to crochet so far, is a pale pink beret for my daughter...
But when I see a sweet little dress and hat like this...
An elegant skirt like this....
A neckline like this.....

Or a cute babydoll dress like this.....
....I feel like grabbing a crochet hook and just give it a go. Eventhough I know that these projects might be a bit too ambitious to begin with!!!
But one is allowed to have BIG dreams.....
I want to learn to crochet too! My friend has promised to teach me. There are some adorable shoes on Ravelry.... I'll send you the link. :-)