Thursday, February 28, 2008
Listening to this
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Bumpy road

Friday, February 22, 2008
Girl's jacket for spring

For a long time I have known that this fabric was going to become a girl's jacket . I had found right the pattern. All I have been waiting for is spring....because a spring jacket it is!
Spring hasn't come for real, but it's getting there ( if you ignore the horrible storm today, which has broken my new greenhouse!!!!!!! )
I'm making the jacket in a size 4 - 5 years which is 110 - 116 cl. The fabric is a bit thick cotton - just perfect for spring and cold summer nights...
I adore all the many pastel colours and different motifs, which is in the fabric. I bought it in the USA.....So much wonderful fabric comes from that country.
I think the americans have a whole different way of using print on fabric, than we are used to here in Denmark. I have found a numerous amount of talented fabric designers - both in the USA and in England and other countries as well. ( I must not forget to mention Sweden too.......oh, how they know how to make dazzling fabric up there !!)
Overseas they really have a talent for combining good quality, lovely colours and fabulous design......
I know that I will definitely continue to get a great deal of parcels with fabrics from "overthere"...
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Easter tablerunner for my bigsister's birthday

I made it just in time.....
Bird love
I could look at this wonderful bird forever....The lines, the colours, the shape, the expression, the text - all of it!
Some people simply have the abbility to create creatures, which have a spellbinding apperance - no matter which materials they use for their work.
This definitely goes for the Canadian artist Suana Verelst. She is an illustrator, graphic designer and toymaker.
The soft dolls she also makes, are just as amazing as her drawings. The dolls have a special touch of childhood, which really makes me smile and feel happy....
You can find her work in different places - here, here and here... I have allready seen her websites, but I feel the need to have another look!
I can only recommend you to have a good look a her lovely world!
This morning I heard the blackbirds sing for the first time this year. I love it when the birds' song wake me early, early in the morning...
( Elsker du også solsorten, kan du finde den fine illustration af Liselotte under overskudsdeling på - helt gratis!!)

I'm sure the blackbirds chose today, because my dearest friend - my bigsister Lotte - turns 44 .
Monday, February 18, 2008

Finally I will give you a sneak peak at Anne-Sophie's dress. I'm really proud of all the effort and ideas of her's, which she has put into that dress....
Well, I'm off to have a look at the new issues of "Interweave Knits" and "Ikea Family" - both magazines just popped into our mail box!
Friday, February 15, 2008
Patience............ and precision

Thursday, February 14, 2008
Spring........from indoors

At the moment I'm working on this embroidery with crazy chicks. It's going to become a tablerunner for easter...It's so funny to sew!
Oh, and by the way - go have a look on this nice blog.
Frøken Solhat is actually my neighbour's blog - Dorte found my blog yesterday by a happy coincidence while looking for felted chickens.......isn't it a small world???
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Iceskating on an ice rink
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Bedjacket with a twist
The shop sold lots of yarns, buttons, patterns and knitting books - but also art and all kinds of things to decorate your house with.
I saw many skeins of yarn which I would have loved to bring home, but I was content with 240 grams of Kauni wool and some adoring buttons.
The yarn had this beautiful colour - or should I say: colours. I really like it when a yarn has a certain "life" to it.....
At first I didn't really know what to knit in it.....All I knew was, that it had to be some kind of a scarf. At autumn, winter and early spring I hardly ever leave the house without a scarf due to my bad neck and back......
I looked at different patterns...should it be a cape or a shall?
Then I remembered a fine little, black briefcase full of cards, which I recently bought at the Textile College of education in Viborg.
The cards have photos at one side and patterns at the other and are meant as an inspiration - and as advertisement cards.
This one card had excactly what I want to make. It will fit the yarn beautifully.
It is called "Bedjacket in the year of 2006" and is designed by a student at the college called Brith Hansen.
I adore the twist in the front and I can hardly wait untill I can start wearing it!
So, all I have to do now is to finish the last bit of Christian's Cobblestone!!! will not be long...........I'm getting there!

Friday, February 08, 2008
Telephone bags and eggwarmers
Or these absolutely fantastic telephone bags made by hine from flickr.
I guess you could say that I have a childish mind. I know that is why I keep buying fabrics with swimming fish, crazy monkies, crawling ants and the likes of it....

And why I keep loving figurines like this breathtaking, wondering angel made by the Norweigian artist Lena Dybdal .
I try to take good care of that crazy, curious, playing child inside of me - when I no longer have that.....well, then I think my mind will stop givning me new ideas. And the need to explore the fantastic things and thoughts which other people create, will be gone as well.
Luckily it is that weird urge of mine, that makes me want to buy these warm little fellows.....They are knitted by an artist called Lorraine Linton from Edinburgh. (By the way - they can be bought here at "Papa Stuor" if anyone feels the need!!!)
So many, many amazing thoughts turn out to be a whole lot of happy, beautiful things.....and they are all for us to enjoy.....I love it!!!!
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Fishy and dotty

At the bottom of the dress I put some dotty fabric. I think it looks like the little bubbles which is in water (or a bit like candy?)...and the colours are very similar to the ones on the fish fabric.
I finished the dress yesterday.
Today Jennifer at NuttyIrishmanKnits gave me a You Make My Day award.
I am very happy to recieve it - and it makes me proud to know that my words and pictures make her happy. The sweet words she wrote to me made MY day...
Jennifer lives a long way from Denmark and I like the fact that communicating on the internet, brings so many wonderful, creative and caring people into my life. I have said before - I know - but it is an amazing thing to me every day...
Every day I also look at this blog made by Gitte.
We have the same kind of humor and I haven't really read her blog without smiling or laughing. Her way of writing is happy and fantastic at the same time. She is extremely good at knitting and I often get surprised by how fast she does it. You should have a look at her beautiful things....
And I must say that the EM in handball wouldn't have been the same without her wonderful comments on my blog!!
With all this in mind, I absolutely must give her the You Make My Day award....
Tuesday, February 05, 2008

I'm not that good at baking and definitely no good at cooking. But that doesn't keep me from trying. The sad thing is, that the harder I try the worse it gets...
Luckily Christian is a brilliant cook.
However, I actually love to spend time on I made fastelavnsboller for my family. We get them every year and I guess it was a bit too late to make them. Fastelavn was yesterday - but never mind.....
I made them from an old recipe I got from Christian's mother, and they have never failed me:
From this you get about 20 fastelavnsboller
The dough:
1 decilitre of lukewarm water
50 grams of yeast
175 grams of butter
500 grams of flour ( 8½ decilitres )
1 teaspoonful of salt
1 tablespoonful of sugar
1 decilitre of soured whole milk
1 egg
The custard: ( you can also buy this )
2 eggs
2 tablespoonful of sugar
1 tablespoonful of maizena (corn flour - to make the custard set)
2½ decilitres of milk
½ teaspoonful of vanilla
To make the dough you do this:
Mix yeast and water. Crumble the butter into the flour.
Put in water, salt, sugar, junket and egg and work the dough together. Then it needs to be put in a warm place to raise for 40 minutes.
To make the custard you do this:
Whisk eggs and sugar. Ad the rest of the ingredients and heat up the custard untill it boils, while whisking.
When the dough is ready, you roll it out flat and cut it into squares (10 x 10 centimetres). In the middle of each square you put a tablespoonful of custard. You squeeze the sides together to keep the custard inside the bun. And then you put it on the baking plate with the joining downwards.
The fastelavnsboller need to raise for another 10 minutes.
Put them in the oven for 15 - 20 minutes on 200 degrees celcius.
Finally you can decorate them with icing.
Jennifer did it again
Monday, February 04, 2008
One happy popcorn boy

Last night we finished the last details on Emil's popcorn costume.
We used a lot of time on making it, but it was funny and Emil was so satisfied with how it turned out.....
We painted, glued, cut and wrapped in popcorns for hours and hours.
We used: 2 carton boxes, red & white paint, 4 bags of popcorn, plastic and lots of glue....
The last thing Emil said to me before he went to sleep, was how happy and excited he was about his costume.....
Saturday, February 02, 2008
Insignificant wishes
I really miss being able to open the frontdoor, and pick up the milk and toastbread on the doorstep!!! When I lived in England we always got our milk and toast in this way. And I have never ever since tasted any toastbread as good as the one I got in Totteridge. The slices were big and so soft. Oh!
I would love that we all were here in Lindvallen - including my sister and her family!!
Friday, February 01, 2008
Brown dotty dress

The past few days I have been sewing this little dress.
It is such a happy fabric with all the dots in different colours and sizes.
I can easily imagine how the fabric will look on tiny, 2 year old legs and little feet in sandals when summer comes around.....
Today I ordered some beautiful fabric from Små tekstiler . It is flax fabric with a touch of gold - doesn't that sound absolutely magnificent? And purple "ramie" fabric for a tunic for me I bought as well.
Wonderful woven trims and lovely, lovely porcelain beads from Vietnam are also on their way to my mailbox. I know that the beads will be put on a string for a bracelet.
Acutally you can see most of the things here! I can hardly wait.....But that is, however, one thing I will not have to do - Små Tekstiler is quick :0)