Sunday morning my father got a stroke - a cerebral thrombosis - and Thursday last week Christian's father had a heartattack.
Luckily things look a bit better today.
Days have been so stressful and full of anxiety......
So now I spend a quiet moment surfing the internet to get my thoughts to wander of to other places - if possible....
Sikke da en omgang :-(
ReplyDeleteHåber, at du finder dig lidt ro og styrke, så du kan komme igennem den næste tid med skindet på næsen.
Kærligst Anne
I'm very sad that so many dramatic events happened to your family in such a small amount of time. You must be very exhausted! I hope that things will get better soon. Take care. Claudia xox
ReplyDeleteFor F... da Ulla, ikke også din far. Det er jeg virkelig ked af at høre. Jeres familie har da for længst taget jeres andel af de sorger og ulykker som livet giver. Jeg føler virkelig med jer. Er der noget jeg kan gøre så sig endelig til.
ReplyDeleteJeg har stillet en krukke på din trappesten som måske kan sprede lidt lys og glæde, trods alt. Hvis du har overskud til det, så plant dem et skyggefuldt sted en af dagene, gerne i "vildnisset" :0) så vil de frøså sig selv og du vil få et smukt tæppe af dem i årene frem over. Hvis tidspunktet er dårligt eller du ikke bryder dig om dem, (hvad jeg har svært ved at forestille mig) så stil dem retur så skal jeg plante dem.
De kærligste hilsner Dorthe
For filan!
ReplyDeleteHåber I kan gå lysere tid i møde.
Oh, Ulla. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Take care.
ReplyDeleteDear all of you sweet women,
ReplyDeleteThank you SO MUCH for all your heartwarming, wonderful comments and thoughts...
It's so sweet of you and touches me deeply.
Luckily my father is getting better and was moved to a hospital nearby today.
My warmest thanks
Anne, Claudia, Dorte, Julia and Kathrine.
Ulla :0)
I am sending you a virtual huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugggggggggggggggg.
ReplyDeleteMandy :)
I'm so sorry, Ulla to hear of your families health issues. I wish I had read this before sending off my e-mail to you. Such stress when dealing with the worry of loved ones. How is your mom doing with your dad's problems - isn't she also dealing with lingering effects from her own stroke? I'm sending healing thoughts and prayers for all of your loved ones.
ReplyDeleteTake care of you and be your best!~Dona
Kære Ulla - Det lyder som en ordentlig omgang I er ude i. Godt at der trods alt er fremgang.
ReplyDeleteTænker på dig og din familie!
dear Ulla,
ReplyDeleteOh no! I just read your post. I´m so sorry for that!! My mom also has a high bloodpreasure and I call her every 2. day if everything is ok. She´s getting pills against that, but it comes and goes. And I´m so far away!! I´m thinking of you and your parents and take care of you and the rest of your sweet family!!! ....Liebe Grüße *Marie*
Oh gosh...hugs and best wishes for everything. My thought will be with you. I hope everything gets better soon. Take good care of your self!
ReplyDeleteHi Ulla,
ReplyDeleteJust read your post. Wish you all the best in this hard times. Parents sometimes become so fragile when the get older. Makes you realise how precious life is.
With supportive thoughts,
Thank you so, so much to all you caring, lovely ones!!
ReplyDeleteI appriciate your thoughts, comments and prayers more than you know!!
My father is luckily getting better...
Thanks a million Mandy, Dona, Gitte, Marie, Marie and Ria.
Gad vist hvor mit indlæg er blevet af. Jeg skrev som nummer 2 i går.Hmm!
ReplyDeleteSå skriver jeg bare igen :-)
Det er da også en ordentlig omgang I er igennem. Dejligt at høre begge er i bedring. Positive tanker og energi sendes til dig og familien.
KH Gitte/ditogdut
I'm so sorry to hear about your sad news. I'm glad your father is getting better. Just letting you know I am thinking of you. Take care, Bec.
ReplyDeleteThank you SO much Gitte and Bec for your thoughts and sweet comments....it's really so heartwarming and nice of you to think about me and my family.
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot....