I'm not that good at baking and definitely no good at cooking. But that doesn't keep me from trying. The sad thing is, that the harder I try the worse it gets...
Luckily Christian is a brilliant cook.
However, I actually love to spend time on baking.......today I made fastelavnsboller for my family. We get them every year and I guess it was a bit too late to make them. Fastelavn was yesterday - but never mind.....
I made them from an old recipe I got from Christian's mother, and they have never failed me:
From this you get about 20 fastelavnsboller
The dough:
1 decilitre of lukewarm water
50 grams of yeast
175 grams of butter
500 grams of flour ( 8½ decilitres )
1 teaspoonful of salt
1 tablespoonful of sugar
1 decilitre of soured whole milk
1 egg
The custard: ( you can also buy this )
2 eggs
2 tablespoonful of sugar
1 tablespoonful of maizena (corn flour - to make the custard set)
2½ decilitres of milk
½ teaspoonful of vanilla
To make the dough you do this:
Mix yeast and water. Crumble the butter into the flour.
Put in water, salt, sugar, junket and egg and work the dough together. Then it needs to be put in a warm place to raise for 40 minutes.
To make the custard you do this:
Whisk eggs and sugar. Ad the rest of the ingredients and heat up the custard untill it boils, while whisking.
When the dough is ready, you roll it out flat and cut it into squares (10 x 10 centimetres). In the middle of each square you put a tablespoonful of custard. You squeeze the sides together to keep the custard inside the bun. And then you put it on the baking plate with the joining downwards.
The fastelavnsboller need to raise for another 10 minutes.
Put them in the oven for 15 - 20 minutes on 200 degrees celcius.
Finally you can decorate them with icing.
ReplyDeleteUhmm - og så se de bare så dekorative ud. Nu er de vel ikke strikkede?
ReplyDeleteOh, I just answered your flickrmail..telling you that I had the recipe on my blog! But you already found out ;0)
ReplyDeleteI really hope that you enjoy the recipe - fastelavnsboller is a great thing.
I gave some for my parents as well. And our lovely neighbours (Lise-Lotte in the green dress on my flickr!) got some too. When their family or ours bake, we give each other a little bit. It's a wonderful way to get surprised when you don't expect it :o)
Denne gang blev de gode - med denne opskrift mislykkes de aldrig. Og det er store ting med mine bageevner!!
Totalt og aldeles maske og fluf fri og uden opsvulmende effekt i munden! ;0)
Jeg så ellers nogle skønne filtede cupcakes.De ville også falde i din smag...tror jeg :0)De var lavet af gamle striktrøjer...åh, hvad hed den bog nu (for der var en bog også!)
Det kommer nok til mig i nat engang!
De der gamle striktrøjer kan anvendes til meget. Skal helt sikkert sy hjerter til næste jul (inspiration fra ErlePerle) hvis jeg kan få fat i nogle gamle islændere.
ReplyDeleteOh, Ulla, this looks delicious! Thanks for posting your recipe, so that I can try to make this. I have a couple of ingredient questions for you though. What are junket and maizena?
ReplyDeleteJa, de var smukke de hjerter, Gitte. Det må jeg huske på inden jeg smider noget gammelt tøj til genbrug :0)
Thanks a lot, Kathrine!
I did think about that word junket. A strange translation! But it is soured whole milk. Maizena is corn flour which you add to the custard in order to set it a bit...I hope this makes sense?!
Jeg æææælsker fastelavnsboller og kunne snlidt spise en halv pladefuld selv, men jeg prøver at blive sundere.
ReplyDeleteSå der er nul sukker i en periode, uha det er ikke let, når man så lige falder over dine fristende lyseblå og rød-pyntede, de er så fine...
Åh, det er ikke nemt at holde sig sukkerfri - det er en prøvelse....men held og lykke med det. :0)
ReplyDeleteJeg er også meget stor fan af fastelavnsboller. Allerhelst indtages de med min lille familie omkring mig, i skiundertøj, blussende kinder og ømme ski ben.
Men det gik nu også yderst fint hjemme i køkkenet!!!
Thanks for the ingredient explanations, Ulla. I'm glad the ingredients weren't as exotic as I feared... I wondered if they were something I wouldn't be able to find in Canada. Thankfully, that's not the case! Yay! Now I can try to make them to enjoy instead of just drooling over the photo of yours. ;o)
ReplyDeleteI'm happy that you understand it better now, Kathrine :0)
ReplyDeleteI actually thought about this as I was translating the recipe. Would the words make any sense?
Anyway, I'm very happy that it's better now ;0)
The fastelavnsboller were a big hit at our house - my son even wanted one for breakfast!!!! (I need to tell that he didn't get it, although I was very flattered)
Has anyone ever tried to make this using dry (powdered) yeast. Fresh yeast is not to be found around here!
ReplyDeleteI think that you can make these with dry yeast. Then maybe add it along with the other dry ingredients.
ReplyDeleteGood luck :0)
I can not wait to try these! This may be a ridiculous question but is soured milk the same as buttermilk?
ReplyDeleteI looked it up, I think I can substitute buttermilk.
ReplyDeleteI had a hard time trying to translate that word from Danish, Trying to remember it all ;0) The product which is a bit similar to soured milk is junket.
ReplyDeleteI hope that this helps you :0)