The shop sold lots of yarns, buttons, patterns and knitting books - but also art and all kinds of things to decorate your house with.
I saw many skeins of yarn which I would have loved to bring home, but I was content with 240 grams of Kauni wool and some adoring buttons.
The yarn had this beautiful colour - or should I say: colours. I really like it when a yarn has a certain "life" to it.....
At first I didn't really know what to knit in it.....All I knew was, that it had to be some kind of a scarf. At autumn, winter and early spring I hardly ever leave the house without a scarf due to my bad neck and back......
I looked at different patterns...should it be a cape or a shall?
Then I remembered a fine little, black briefcase full of cards, which I recently bought at the Textile College of education in Viborg.
The cards have photos at one side and patterns at the other and are meant as an inspiration - and as advertisement cards.
This one card had excactly what I want to make. It will fit the yarn beautifully.
It is called "Bedjacket in the year of 2006" and is designed by a student at the college called Brith Hansen.
I adore the twist in the front and I can hardly wait untill I can start wearing it!
So, all I have to do now is to finish the last bit of Christian's Cobblestone!!! will not be long...........I'm getting there!

Lækkert garn, spændende projekt. Garnbutikken ser også spændende ud, sikken en bygning. Hvor ligger den?
ReplyDeleteUlla, der i vandtårnet har jeg arbejdet i et halvt år, i jobtræning :0) Uha, det var en god tid,- en helt speciel oplevelse.. Men kunne desværre ikke blive.
ReplyDeleteJeg har også mappen du omtaler, og har den tit fremme til inspiration.
Ha en god dag.
KH Gitte
Jeg glæder mig også til at komme i gang med sjalet, Gitte.
ReplyDeleteVandtårnet ligger i Års.....i Nordjylland :0)
Hvor sjovt, Gitte!! Det var et helt specielt sted.
Jeg har aldrig vidste butikken var jeg må bestemt vende tilbage!
Vi følges vist ad i stil og smag i forbindelse med Håndarbejdsskolen/ -seminariet :0)
De er altid en god kilde til inspiration...
Du må også have en dejlig dag!
Such a nice project. I can't wait to see it. It will be beautiful. Have a good week.
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely 'bed jacket'! Do you think the pattern is available in the states?
Have a great Monday!~Dona
Hello Dona,
ReplyDeleteI have left you a little comment on your blog concerning the pattern...
Ulla :0)
What a great shop! Looks like lots of fun.
ReplyDeleteNice pattern and fabulous yarn shop! I have added you as a link, hope it's ok. I'm having a blogoversary competition, so come on over and visit!
ReplyDeleteIt was a great shop, Leslie. My husband went all the way to the top - 5 floors!! I sort of got stock at the 1st floor - with all the yarn.... ;0)
Hello Liz,
Nice that you popped by - of course you can add me as a link...
I will go have a look at your blog. It sounds interesting with the competition!
ReplyDeleteThank You for calling my 'blob' in cyber space a 'blog':) About every 6 months I remember I have it...would much rather spend my time on wonderful blogs of people that know what they are doing!!! Heading over there right now!~Dona
Hej, jeg er ny på din blog. Det er et spændende projekt du har gang i. Har du mulighed for at oplyse, hvor jeg kan købet strikkeopskriften til "Bedjacket". På forhånd tak
ReplyDeleteHej og tak fordi du kiggede på min blog!
ReplyDeleteOpskriften er en del af et sæt af inspirationskort, som er udarbejdet af elever på Textil Seminariet i Viborg (tidlige Skals).
Jeg er sikker på, at de gerne vil sende dig et sæt - det koster 30 kr.
Du kan finde deres adresse og telefon nummer her:
Så kan du prøve at kontakte dem.
Hej Ulla. Tak for dine oplysninger vedr. den fine Bedjacket. Jeg modtog idag - både inspirationskort og en fin lille bog fra Textil Seminaret. Mvh. Jeannette Mariae
ReplyDeleteHej Jeanette!
ReplyDeleteDet var rart at kunne hjælpe dig - den lille bog er også rigtig god (hvis det er den jeg tror - én med mønstre?). Rigtig god fornøjelse med strikkeriet :0)