Another DARK, rainy day. It's 4 o'clock and the advent candle leftovers have found a new place to shine in the dark. And so have the tiny candles from the Christmas tree (which didn't get to burn for a very long time, due to the hectic "present delivery" around it!)
All alone am I - Christian back at work for the weekend, Emil has gone swimming and Anne-Sophie left with some of the Christmas presents that needed to be exchanged into something else.....
That gives me the chance to blog and knit a little.
I thought that I was going to start on the Cobblestone, but it seems to take a while before that can take place. So now I have started knitting this "while-Christian-makes up-his-mind-about-yarn-scarf". It is a pattern I recently found on ravelry, and it is quite funny and very easy to make. I think that lots of people have made it all ready, but to me it is new and different....

Since Anne-Sophie's birthday is coming up soon - the 12th of January - I really want to make her a lovely cake from this new cake book, that I bought on Amazon.
I am
so amazed by the cakes and cupcakes that people produce on flickr and in blogland. Especially the icing looks delicious. I really have to learn it! That is why the book had to be on my shelf...
The only thing I have to do now, is to make up my mind on which one of the numerous cakes I want to bake.....
I've wanted to comment quite some time about your lovely blog! Now your latest knitting project has me curious - will it be a scarf? I love all things Danish so your site always leaves me with a smile:)~Tack~Dona
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot, wovenheart. How sweet of you to say so....
ReplyDeleteThe knitting is going to become a scarf as you guessed.
You even know how to speak some Danish I see - how come you love Danish stuff and know the language?
Ulla :0)
Evening/Morning Ulla!
ReplyDelete'You're Welcome'~~Tack is pretty much the extent of my Danish vocabulary! My love of all Danish comes from my mom who is 100% Danish as her parents immigrated from Denmark in the late 1920's! We grew up with many Danish customs being passed down through the generations. When I look at Danish/Scandinavian interiors I realize then where my love/need for candlelight comes!
I've a question for you, in my home and all the homes of my Danish relatives we have the Danish plates, vases, figurines, etc. all over our walls and tables. In all the wonderful blogs I've stumbled upon that is one thing I don't see a lot of in any of the homes in your country. Is it more a generational thing, where perhaps your grandparents were more fond of decorating that way? Just wondering!
I hope you're enjoying this holiday week! How do you celebrate New Years in your home? By the way,I love that scarf and will look forward to pictures of the finished project! Looking forward to hearing from you!~Dona
***I think my flickr site shows some of my Danish dishes!
The scarf looks lovely! I am always impressed by people who are able to do crafts so beautifully.
ReplyDeleteWay to fill a rainy day with light!
mmmmm cake!cant wait to see what you come up with! wanna swap weather?its 38 degrees(celius)here in melbourne, to bloody hot to even stitch!
ReplyDeleteHej Ulla - Tuisnd tak for de pæne ord ;-) Dit tørklæde - består det "bare" af et langt stykke i retstrik i forskellige farver, og så med hæklede blomster m. knap? Og så kan vi se frem til endnu en blæsende regnvåd dag.
ReplyDeleteIt is quite funny,wovenheart, that your mother had Danish parents.
ReplyDeleteAnd the fact that you have been brought up with Danish customs.
You are right about the plates, vases and figurines. In my family we don't have them, neither have my parents but my grandparents do.
I think that time has removed the things from our homes here in Denmark. Our decorations are more simpel and many people don't want to have so much in their houses.
The candle comment made me smile - I LOVE candles. Almost everyone of my familiy and friends feel the same way too!!!
Our New Years Eve is going to be celebrated with my sister and her family. We have wonderful food, listen to our Queen's New Years's speech, play games and have fireworks at 12 o'clock.
To us it is an evening for the children, but many people in Denmark get drunk this night - we don't....
Thanks a lot, cakespy!!! You are very good at crafting yourself - you make beautiful pictures...
Candles can make some of our dark weather a bit more cozy. I use a lot of them - sometimes my husband laughs at my need of candles (he does think it is nice though!)
I wish that the weather was as good as in Melbourne, Fiona - perhaps not 38 degrees, but 25!! No wonder you don't feel like stitching...
I haven't completely decided on the cake yet - Anne-Sophie needs to tell me her opion about it since it is for her....I will take pictures of it eventually IF it looks allright!!! (I'm not that good at baking)
Det var så lidt, Gitte.
Det er bare et langt stykke i ret strik, med hæklede blomster forneden! Vi har hørt at der måske kommer sne nytårsaften - det ville da være en skøn ting...og noget nyt til en forandring!
Yes, I think we've all come to the point where simple is better! Since I've bought & sold antiques my whole life it is extremely hard to keep from getting overwhelmed by 'stuff'! I'm trying though to take more out the door than in!
ReplyDeleteYour new year's eve celebration sounds a lot like ours. Well, except our president doesn't give a speech:) My dh and I try really hard to stay up till midnight...
'Happy New Year' to you and your family!~Dona
And a very happy new year to you too, Dona....Our Queen really made a good point in her speech this year. She reminded the Danish people to care more about each other....
ReplyDeleteIt sounds so interesting your job - selling and buying antiques. If you ask my husband whether I take more out the door than in, he would definitely say that I keep bringing stuff (fabrics, yarns and other beautiful things)in!!