Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A gorgeous gift...or two

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Jeg fik lige et øjeblik til at fotografere én af mine dejlige fødselsdagsgaver, fra den anden dag hvor jeg fyldte 41.

Anne-Sophie havde lavet alle disse smukke smykker til mig - hun ved nok bedst af alle lige præcis hvad jeg godt kan lide; hvilke farver og hvilket udtryk der er mig.

Jeg blev utrolig glad for øreringene og de to ringe, og jeg glæder mig til at bruge dem alle til sommerbrun hud. Jeg holder så meget af hjemmelavede gaver. Det er så fint at vide, at giveren har tænkt på én under processen.

En anden ting jeg fik, var denne. Jeg skulle selv vælge farve på skærm og ledning, og jeg var ikke i tvivl om at det skulle være som jeg havde set lampen allerførst. Så nu er den er snart på vej fra Holland. Jeg ser frem til at få den hængt op, så den kan sprede lys og hygge.

Jeg suser hurtigt videre. Emil ligger stadig syg og har det ikke bedre. Han har fået kyssesyge fik vi at vide ved lægen i formiddags. Stakkels Emil. Jeg håber at han kommer lettere over det, end Anne-Sophie gjorde da hun fik samme sygdom flere år tilbage.

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In English  

I just had a moment to photograph one of my lovely birthday gifts, from the other day when I celebrated my 41st birthday.

Anne-Sophie had made all these beautiful pieces of jewellery for me - she is probable the one who knows the best what I like; which colours and which expression is me.

I was very extremely happy about the earrings and the two rings, and I'm looking forward to using them on tanned skin. I adore homemade gifts. It's so nice to know that the giver has thought of you during the process of making it.

Another thing I got, was this. I had to pick out the colours for the shade and the cord, and I had no doubts that I wanted it to be like I saw the lamp the first time. So now it's soon on it's way from Holland. I look forward to hang it on our wall, so it can spread light and a cosy atmosphere.

Muurlamp Klimoppe met Moth

I'm off in a hurry. Emil is still ill and isn't feeling better. He has been diagnosed with mononucleosis. Poor Emil. I hope that he recovers from it in an easier way than Anne-Sophie did, when she had it years back


  1. Happy belated Birthday dear Ulla! I agree, selfmade gifts are best and Anne-Sophie made pretty ones.

    Poor Emil, I hope he recovers soon and you have some time to catch a tan.

    Big hug, Nina

    1. Nina, thank you so much. :)) I'm so happy about my jewellery and the fact that Anne-Sophie thought about me in that way, while knowing that she was SO hung up by an important project for school.

      He is really not well, my Emil. It will hopefully get better in a while. But the tiredness goes on for a long time - with Anne-Sophie it took a year. I cross my fingers that Emil will be more lucky than her.

      Have a wonderful weekend, Nina.


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