Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Time for your opion on the kitchen machine matter!!

Okay, here is the matter which we debate, my husband and I, when ever the subject kitchen machine comes up. Is the Kitchen Aid machine as good (or bad) as people say?? My husband is not positive about it at all!
 Is it just the design and the brand which you pay - a lot! - for, or does the machine really work as well as some people say??
We are going to get some kind of kitchen machine, so I can start baking some more again. I can't knead dough very well any longer, and that annoys me so...I would much rather have my hands in the dough and do the work myself.

I would really love to hear your opinion and experiences with this machine. Or maybe you can tell me about a totally different machine, which is much better. :)


  1. My mum got a KA after a generation of using Kenwood. She wanted a machine that looked nice on the kitchen counter and didn't really need a big one anymore. Still, she says it is a little small for her use and it is rather noisy (KA is supposed to be less noisy than Kenwood).
    I have a Kenwood Major and I love it. It doesn't look very smart and it makes a lot of noise, but it is very practical and a real working horse. I may sew an oilcloth cover for it.

  2. I got a Kitchen Aid when I married in des.1976. I love it ! I have baked bread all this year and cake every week. I have a big family :=)
    The machine is nearly som new ! :=)Gerður in Iceland. !!!!!!!
    By the way, I love your blog .

  3. I bought myself a pink kitchen aid last year for my birthday and I use it very week!!!!
    The maschine is brilliant and I just love the design. I'm going to buy the ice-cream-maker next for it!!!

    Go on .... YOU WILL LOVE IT ;-)

  4. If you like to see mine ... take a look at my blog - label: backen "da waren es schon 20" - there you can see a little picture ;-)

  5. My mum swears by her Kenwood Chef - she got her first when she got married in 1964 and her second in 1998. But I agree - I like the look of a KA.

  6. For my last birthday my husband bought me the Kenwood Aga mixer. It looks remarkably like the KA. I've never used a KA so I don't know how it compares, but I love my Aga mixer (and not just because it matches my ancient Aga)

  7. We have a Kitchenaid and my mother recently bought one to replace her old Sunbeam machine. You can get it in several sizes -- she has the smallest (4.5qt) and I have the next size up (5qt) -- the largest size (6qt) does not have a tilting head but it's great for large batches like dough.
    I've never had a problem with mine in almost 10 years, it looks nice, and there are many attachments (meat grinder, ice cream maker, pasta roller) that make it useful beyond mixing. The dough hook, whisk, and paddle options are helpful too. Honestly, I never considered buying anything else.

  8. Hej
    Jeg har en kenwood og er egentlig glad for den. Et lille men, når man pisker, rører osv., så når piskeren ikke helt ned til bunden af skålen og får pisket/rørt til bunds, det er træls. Det er ikke noget problem med med dej, for det klistrer og får det i bunden "hevet" med, men er det fløde og hvad man ellers kunne finde på at lave på sådan en maskine, så synes jeg det er træls.
    Har ikke prøvet en Kitchen Aid, men synes den er skide flot og den ville jeg helt sikkert have stående fremme, hvorimod Kenwood´en kommer i skabet :)
    Er spændt på hvilken beslutning du når frem til.
    Tænker også at det er mange penge for en KA, men holden den så længe, er det godt givet ud. Kenwood´en vi har, er efterhånden 7-8 år gammel og viser ingen svaghedstegn endnu, og den kører mange gange om ugen....

  9. Jeg undersøgte markedet grundigt, inden jeg købte røremaskine sidste år og kom frem til, at KA har for lille skål og ditto motor, hvis man skal arbejde med rugbrødsdej og lign.

    Så, Kenwood, hvis du virkelig skal bage brød - og min står altså fremme, selv om den kun er af blankt, rustfrit stål :-)

  10. Thank you SO, SO much all of you sweet women who took the time to tell me about your experiences with your kitchen machines.

    I have enjoyed reading every single one, and will do so once more with my husband. ;))

    It has been lovely to hear how several kitchen machines have been part of life in your families. It's funny - and definitely wonderful - how important it still is to bake in today's households.

    Now it's up to me which machine to pick, and I certainly feel that I'm a whole lot better equipped with kitchen machine knowledge than before this post.

    Thanks a lot. :)))))

  11. So funny dear Ulla, just today the kids and I were having a cake in a small town near us and there is this kitchen utensils shop which has serveral Kitchen Aid machines in the most wonderful coulours standing in the window. Just today we were standing in front of it and I thought OK, let's have a look again as I wanted to buy one last year but didn't do so... They are so expensive I thought today, 610,- EUR. WOW!

    I remember my Mom saying there was a thing on TV where they compared the machines and I remember there was Bosch MUM (they have serveral types there) and they are much much cheaper than the kitchen aid (but I guess not as fancy looking).

    I heard they may be difficult to clean (but only the cheapest one for about 80 EUR). So in case you have a shop to compare go and have a look... http://www.bosch-home.dk/produkter/madlavning/køkkenmaskiner/køkkenmaskiner/list.html?page=1

    Big hug and thank you for your comforting words concerning the little (tall) boy and the times to come ; )

    Big hug and have a happy rest of the week,
    in case you found a machine, tell me ; )


  12. I LOVE my KitchenAid. I've had it for six years and use it for all my baking - cakes, pizza dough, etc. And it's red and looks fab on the kitchen bench.

  13. K A er uden sammenligning den aller mest lækre maskine af dem alle!
    Altså at se på!!

    Jeg har en, en smuk mørkegrå med mat overflade og den står og ser rigtig cool ud på mit sorte køkkenbord...

    MEN - jeg bliver aldrig så glad for den, som jeg var for min gamle store orange Kenwood, den kunne ælte en kæmpe portion dej af gangen og ikke bare 15 forkølede boller, som KA'en kan klare.

    I min proff tid som kok arbejde jeg på en café, hvor vi havde en Electrolux, den var altså også bare vildt god og noget nemmere at håndtere end en Kenwood.

    Køb en KA, hvis du vil ha' høj lækkerhedsfaktor men knap så meget kapacitet og æltekraft og køb en af de andre, hvis det er power du vil ha :-)

  14. http://hjem.dk/bolig/koekken/koekkenmaskiner/electrolux-akm-6120mw-koekkenmaskine.aspx

    Det er denne her, jeg kender fra mit tidligere job, den er fantastisk og der er også masser af tilbehør...

  15. My KitchenAid changed my life. Honestly. I have had various hand mixers and they are fine, but the stand mixer is absolutely amazing. I have no idea how it compares to other brands of standing mixers, but I am happy with mine.

  16. Go for the kitchen aid. My mom has had hers for 48 years, my sister 20 and I have had mine 16. They are great, very durable.

  17. Dear Nina, anne, Greer, Cristale and Kigwit.

    Thanks a million for all of your good and helping comments. It really has been a great source to hear about the experiences all of you and your families have had with the various kitchen machines. :)))

    I haven't completely made up my mind yet, but i'm getting there. ;))

    P.S. Anne, hvor er det bare sjovt: maskinen som du linker til og som i brugte da du arbejdede som kok, er nøjagtig magen til den køkkenmaskine, som Christians mor brugte i hans barndom. (Ja, hun bruger den faktisk endnu!) Han har talt så "varmt og inderligt" for den køkkenmaskine. ;)))

  18. I had a KA for 6 years and use it daily, I always bake double when cooking as I have four kids, and it's great. a real work horse, it's not that loud and it sounds more like a engine than say an egg beater:) I also have a thermomix which I love, but I'll always cook a cake with the KA.
    Check out prices in America, even with postage they work out super cheap.

  19. I made my decision... and it will be here next Wednesday - a Kitchen Aid in red bought at Amazon.de, much much cheaper than in the shops.

    Looking foreward to baking the Birthday cake for the girl in a couple of weeks: http://whisk-kid.blogspot.com/2009/08/say-it-with-cake.html

  20. Det er en fantastisk maskine - siger én der kun har haft en Kitchen Aid. Den ælder, rører og pisker det den skal. Skålen er ikke så stor at man kan bage mere end ét brød ad gangen. Det vidste jeg inden jeg anskaffede mig den. Men jeg bager ikke til fryseren, så det betyder intet for mig.
    Den primære grund til at jeg har denne maskine er designet. Min er creme farvet. Og jeg er så vild med designet, at hvis det kun var for at få en røremaskine, så havde jeg den slet ikke. Jeg ved godt at jeg har betalt meget for navn og design. Men det er vel også ok så længe den virker upåklageligt og er drøn lækker at arbejde med og se på.
    Glæder mig til at læse hvad du vælger.
    Mange hilsner Camilla

  21. Bugsygnomes, Nina and Camilla. :)) It's really a pleasure to read all your kitchen machine stories. And funny to see how we all have different ways of cooking and baking. Thanks a lot. :))

    I think that I will be making small portions when I bake. I rearly make doubles. So along with the many fine words about the Kitchen Aid machine, I think that I'm close to making my decision. ;))

    How absolutely wonderful that you are getting your machine so soon, Nina! I wish that we could buy bigger things than books through amazon. :))

  22. Oh, Ulla, we can buy all sort of things at Amazon.de. It became a real big "Marketplace" here. So yes, I am already wondering which cake I will make first with the machine... Have to go and look for some better baking cookbooks...

    take care,


  23. Hi! I've had my Kitchen Aid for 20 years & I have used it almost every week - it's in great shape and really useful. I haven't used a hand-mixer in all these years, either. I mix bread dough in it all the time, and bake a lot of cake and cookies with it. It's really been a fantastic thing to have in my kitchen - I would say it's a worthwhile purchase! And since mine has lasted so long, I've bought other appliances of that brand, too since it's been trustworthy. I also got the grinder and shredder attachment when my food processor broke and didn't want to replace, but don't use those as often.

  24. I ADORE my kitchen aid! She is pistachio and just divine, I use her for everything all the time, she looks great on the bench and is absolutely worth the money!

  25. Nina, I think it sounds so wonderful with your new kitchen machine. Isn't it just funny to use? :)))

    Tammy and Mrs Bok, thank you so much for your comments and for taking the time to leave me your opinion on the matter. :)) That really means a lot to me, and it has been such a big help with all these experiences, when I had to make up my mind. So Kitchen Aid it is. ;)))


I - read - and - enjoy - every - single - comment - and - try - to - respond - to - it - as - soon - as - possible.

Thanks - a - lot . . . I - really - appriciate - it.