Saturday, May 26, 2012

H a p p y

I dag skal der ikke mere til at gøre mig glad end super smukke farver, en masse solskinstimer....og mest af alt at Emil har det en lille smule bedre :)


Today it doesn't take more to make me happy than some beautiful colours, a lot of hours with sunshine...and most of all the fact that Emil is feeling a little bit better. :)

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A gorgeous gift...or two

Look at the bottom  
Jeg fik lige et øjeblik til at fotografere én af mine dejlige fødselsdagsgaver, fra den anden dag hvor jeg fyldte 41.

Anne-Sophie havde lavet alle disse smukke smykker til mig - hun ved nok bedst af alle lige præcis hvad jeg godt kan lide; hvilke farver og hvilket udtryk der er mig.

Jeg blev utrolig glad for øreringene og de to ringe, og jeg glæder mig til at bruge dem alle til sommerbrun hud. Jeg holder så meget af hjemmelavede gaver. Det er så fint at vide, at giveren har tænkt på én under processen.

En anden ting jeg fik, var denne. Jeg skulle selv vælge farve på skærm og ledning, og jeg var ikke i tvivl om at det skulle være som jeg havde set lampen allerførst. Så nu er den er snart på vej fra Holland. Jeg ser frem til at få den hængt op, så den kan sprede lys og hygge.

Jeg suser hurtigt videre. Emil ligger stadig syg og har det ikke bedre. Han har fået kyssesyge fik vi at vide ved lægen i formiddags. Stakkels Emil. Jeg håber at han kommer lettere over det, end Anne-Sophie gjorde da hun fik samme sygdom flere år tilbage.

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In English  

I just had a moment to photograph one of my lovely birthday gifts, from the other day when I celebrated my 41st birthday.

Anne-Sophie had made all these beautiful pieces of jewellery for me - she is probable the one who knows the best what I like; which colours and which expression is me.

I was very extremely happy about the earrings and the two rings, and I'm looking forward to using them on tanned skin. I adore homemade gifts. It's so nice to know that the giver has thought of you during the process of making it.

Another thing I got, was this. I had to pick out the colours for the shade and the cord, and I had no doubts that I wanted it to be like I saw the lamp the first time. So now it's soon on it's way from Holland. I look forward to hang it on our wall, so it can spread light and a cosy atmosphere.

Muurlamp Klimoppe met Moth

I'm off in a hurry. Emil is still ill and isn't feeling better. He has been diagnosed with mononucleosis. Poor Emil. I hope that he recovers from it in an easier way than Anne-Sophie did, when she had it years back

Monday, May 21, 2012


                                                                                                                                 Look at the bottom

Endelig var der nyt at strikke til de lidt større piger - dem på 3 til 8 år. Jeg fandt frem til 2 bøger skrevet af Vibe Ulrik Sondergaard. Der dukkede også 2 bøger op på Adlibris når jeg søgte på forfatteren: "Labour of love" og "Lovely knits for little girls". Begge forsider var forskellige og ligeså var titlerne. De var udgivet på forskellige forlag og den ene var dyrere end den anden.

Jeg plejer sagtens at kunne skelne mellem en bogs udgivelser landene imellem, men det der virkelig gjorde mig i tvivl var, at begge var engelsk sprogede og havde uens titler. Så jeg bestilte begge bøger. De få modeller jeg havde set fra Vibe Ulrik Sondergaard var så fantastiske at jeg måtte tage chancen. Tænk hvis der var 2 bøger?

Jeg må indrømme at jeg var lidt betænkelig ved min egen handling, men gjort var gjort. Og selvfølgelig blev min fikse beslutning sandhed, da de to bøger kom. De er fuldstændig ens. Den ene udgivet i England den anden i USA. Jeg føler mig temmelig dum...

Men indholdet er jeg utrolig begejstret for. Der er uttallige fine, fine modeller at strikke og tankegangen i designet er unik og stilfuld.

Så mangler du Vibe Ulrik Sondergaards nye bog med pige strik i alderen 3-8, så har jeg en ekstra du kan købe...bare sig til. 

* * * * * * * * * * * *


Finally there were new things to knit for older girls - those aged 3 to 8. I found 2 books written by Vibe Ulrik Sondergaard. 2 books also appeared when I searched for the author's name in Adlibris - Labour of love and Lovely knits for little girls. Both covers were different and so were the titles. They were published by 2 different publishers and one was more expensive than the other.

I'm usually capable of telling a books publications apart in several countries, but what really made me doubt was the fact that they were both written in English and had unlike titles. So I ordered both books.
The few models I had seen from Vibe Ulrik Sondergaard's hands were so fantastic, that I had to take the chance. What if there were 2 books?

I must admit that I had my second thoughts about my descission, but done was done. And of course my fixed idea came true when I received the 2 books. They were completely the same! One was published in the UK, the other in the USA. I feel rather stupid...

But I'm really thrilled about the content of the book(s). There are numerous fine, fine designs to knit and the idea behind the design is unique and stylish.

So if you need Vibe Ulrik Sondergaard's new book with girlish knit designs sized 3-8 years, then I have an extra one for you to buy. Just let me know.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

G a t h e r i n g - S t r i p e s - o g - z z z z z z

                                                                                                          In English? Look at the bottom!

Jeg sidder her og skriver til Emils snorken, der tydeligt indikerer at han er syg. Mandler på størrelse med jeg ved ikke hvad, er hvad hans halsbetændelse har bragt med sig. Og nu sover han heldigvis lidt - måske tiden på den måde vil gå lidt stærkere for ham, så pencillinen for alvor kan virke.

Alting har været efter ham på det seneste, så forhåbentlig finder halsbetændelse, feber og migræne andre mennesker at genere end Emil - ja, det burde helst ikke finde vej til nogen som helst...

Så trods vidunderlig solskin og lune vinde, sidder jeg inde med Emil lige i nærheden. Og det er okay med mig.
Jeg er kommet et lille stykke vej med Gathering Stripes af Veera Välimäki. En sweater jeg vidste jeg bare måtte strikke, da jeg så den dukke op på ravelry for efterhånden længe siden.

Igen har jeg valgt at bruge Blackhill Uld & Bomuld fra Efter min cardigan strikket i selvsamme garn, er jeg fuldstændig vild med det. Farverne er Rullesten og Cote D' Azur.
Jeg strikker kun med en enkelt tråd, da strikkefastheden er god på den måde. Dog er jeg lidt i tvivl om at halsen vil blive for blød, og derfor ikke vil stå på den måde jeg synes den tager sig allerbedst ud. Men nu må jeg se...

Patienten er vågen...og tørstig er han også, så jeg må hente iskolde drikke. Hav en dejlig søndag.

- - - - - - - - -

In English

I'm writing while Emil is snoring, which clearly tells that he is ill. Tonsils as big as I don't know what, is what his tonsillitis has brought along. And luckily he's sleeping a bit now - maybe time will go faster like that, so the pencillin can work.

Everything has been out to get him lately, so hopefully the tonsilitis, the fever and the migraines will find other people to bother - well, actually it should not go to anyone at all...

So in spite of lovely sunshine and warm winds, I'm inside with Emil close by. And that's fine by me.
I'm well into Gathering Stripes by Veera Välimäki. A sweater I knew that I just had to knit, when I saw it popping up in ravelry quite a while ago.

Again I have chosen Blackhill Wool & Cotton from After knitting my cardigan in the same yarn, I have become crazy about it. The colours are called Rullesten and Cote D' Azur.
I'm only using one thread, because the gauge is good like that. However, I'm a bit worried that the neck will become too soft, and not be able to stand up in the way it looks it's best. But, time will tell...

The patient is awake...and he's thirsty too, so I'm off to get freezing cold drinks. Have a wonderful Sunday.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

BALDVINSSON c h i l d r e n ' s - c l o t h e s

My oldest niece Ida has the sweetest boyfriend called Runi. And Runi's mother Annika Baldvinsson is a talented and experienced designer of children's clothes.

She recently started an online shop - Baldvinsson - with gorgeous clothes, which will excite children as well as their mothers. The clothes are very lovely and the prices are definitely fair.

This afternoon I had a little look at the shop, and ended up buying this fine knitted dress in cotton - for only 125 Danish kroner .

And I also had to have the cool yellow t-shirt with the headphones on the front. (The print is designed by Runi, by the way). It costs 100 Danish kroner.

Both things will be presents for our niece and nephew, but I wish that my own children could fit into them.

There is so much more to see in shop. Both for girls and boys - sizes start at 56 cm and end at 146 cm. You should go have a look...

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

R o u n d - & - g o r g e o u s

Today I had a look at Lis' lovely shop. I always read her blog, but it had been a while ago since I passed by her shop.

Maybe I shouldn't have done that, because the beautiful pillow below was such a brilliant palet of soft colours, which I just couldn't keep my eyes of. At the moment I'm very fond of mustard coloured interior items and clothes. And along with the coral triangle in the circle the mustard colour is perfect.

Image of Rund patchworkpude #1
Photo from Karlsons Kludeskab's shop

So I bought the pillow - but not for me. Anne-Sophie has some of these pillows at home, and I thought that this round beauty might present itself well with them. Now I hope that she likes it - otherwise it's not a problem. I can easily find a good spot for it in my livingroom...

Sunday, May 13, 2012

A l f r e d

This weekend my husband has been in Sweden with his brother. And while Emil visited his sweet girlfriend Ronja yesterday, I had nothing but time ahead of me.

So, I picked out my brown Coast yarn from Holst Garn, and found the pattern for (Big) Alfred. A while ago I showed Christian several different patterns for men's sweaters. I payed attention to the ones he liked, because I wanted to make him a new one.

The last time I did so was when I knitted this. He loves it but somehow the sleeves and the yoke tend to get longer and loooooonger! So sadly the Cobblestone sweater has been more in his wardrobe than on his upper body!

But now I'm - secretly - making him an Alfred. He talks and talks about how beautiful brown sweaters are, so that's what he's getting.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

N e o n + a c r y l i c

Don't we all need a bit of neon or acrylic now and then?

4 Cloud Charms (Qty. 4) - Laser Cut Acrylic - Various Colors
4 laser cut acrylic Cloud Charms from Laser Cut Suppiles

Mario Power Star Necklace - Laser Cut Acrylic Gaming Necklace
Mario Power Star Necklace in lasercut acrylic from Lickety Cut
Stars white acrylic lasercut
White acrylic owls from SmedGraphic
Recycled Day-Glo Plexiglass Earrings in Yellow
Recycled DayGlo Plexiglass Earrings from Trillium Artisans
Little red acrylic star, sterling silver earrings
Acrylic star earrings from Smed Graphic
LEGO blocks -Laser cut acrylic brooch
LEGO blocks laser cut acrylic brooch by Laser Jewelry La Canica
Fluorescent Neon Pink Cog Bead Necklace - Custom Laser Cut Acrylic
Fluorescent Neon Pink Cog Bead Necklace - custom laser cut acrylic from Hook and Matter
Rhino Brooch - laser cut acrylic
Rhino Brooch laser cut acrylic by Gemmipop

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

E m m a ' s - d a y

Sunday was a wonderful day for my sweet and lovely niece Emma. She's my beloved bigsister's daughter and the very last of my parents' grandchildren to be confirmated.

You hardly ever see Emma without a big smile on her mouth and in her eyes - she's positive and such a good friend. Besides that she's a very sporty person and loves her dance classes and her football training.

Emma's family had done so many fantastic things to make her day special and happy. And of course a football match was played. Emma picked out her dress with that in mind. I think that was such a cool thought.

We all enjoyed celebrating her and she definitely seemed to have had a great day.

Thursday, May 03, 2012

A n e m o n e

I couldn't help myself. I had to try whether I could capture the beauty inside this fragile and proud bearing flower with my camera...I didn't succeed in the way that I wanted to. I wish that the tiny details of the stamen were more conspicuous.

But I still love the pale pink Anemone. Oh, how I hope that I can make it thrive in my not so perfect garden...with my not so green  - at all! - fingers.

Anemone by lille-ursus
Anemone, a photo by lille-ursus on Flickr.

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

T h a n k - G o d - f o r - Betty P.

I'm so happy that the online shop Betty P. has started. Since Små Tekstiler closed I have missed a shop with haberdashery of the good kind. Something you don't come across every day. Something which radiates fine quality.

This is my 2nd order from Betty P. and I'm very pleased at shopping there. The pink and white Gingham button at the back of the photo, was intended for my Liselotte cardigan. But after testing the button on the yarn, I have decided that another one is needed. But no harm is done - I know that it will come in handy one day soon.