Tuesday, April 03, 2012

A lucky man got acrylic and eggs

Yesterday my husband had his 43th birthday. Anne-Sophie made him these acrylics boxes. She had herbs in mind when she made them, because Christian always uses a lot of those when he cooks. Fresh ones which could look lovely in the many rooms of the boxes.

Box 1 #3

Box 1 #2

I know that he hardly has the heart to put soil in his fine present, so he has considered using one of the boxes for his pencils, ballpoint pens and other bits and bobs.

I love the fact that Anne-Sophie gave him a homemade gift. And so does the lucky birthday man. I sure know what to put on my wishlist!
(The last 2 photos of one of the boxes, were not how I intended them to be. I promised to take some photos to send to Anne-Sophie. She needs them for her Project Journal).

Christian and his guests also got cupcakes - which didn't turn out well at all if you look at them. But they did taste okay and Christian got happy, so I couldn't ask for more. I do however wonder how people make the frostning more firm, so the lines in it stay sharp!


  1. Uhm....får helt lyst til at sætte tænderne i de kager Ulla.

    Tillykke til Christian og jeg forstår godt at gaverne fra Anne-Sophie faldt i god jord.....der er noget særligt ved at modtage gaver med tanker bag og at de er hjemmelavet er absolut et kæmpe plus ;0)

    Knus Dorthe

    1. Det er jeg glad for at du har, Dorthe for endnu en gang kiksede mit bageværk rent udseende mæssigt. Frosting'en lignede mayonnaise - ikke så indbydende. :(

      Og tak ifht. Christian (der hele dagen forsøgte at overbevise os om, at han kun blev 42!).
      Han blev utrolig glad for kasserne som Anne-Sophie havde lavet. De er taget i brug. Den ene til krydderurter, den anden til kontorsager.
      Vi eeeeeelsker også når gaver er hjemmelavede :))


  2. Hvor er det bare nogle fede kasser! Anne-Sophie er bare så god til at få det til at se helt prof. ud :)
    Og tillykke med din kære mand :)

    1. Tusind tak, Ida og tillykke med din søde far i går. :))
      Jeg har også allerede sagt til Anne-Sophie, at jeg ønsker mig kasser til alt mit håndarbejds halløj. Hun har flere ideer i posen til at lave akryl ting. Jeg håber, at hun fører dem ud i livet. :))



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