Tuesday, September 06, 2011

I'm so tired

I don't know if you have noticed, but it has been such a long time ago since I have made something at my sewing machine.

Some how everything has taken a turn towards yarn, knitting and crocheting. The patterns I find are for knitted dresses, cardis and that kind of stuff. And lots and lots of crochet items seem to overpower me whenever I go to Pinterest, etsy, flickr and those places.

And of course embroidery.

It's not that I don't feel like sewing anymore, I simply haven't had the energy to do whatever it takes of preparations and other acts in order to sew something. Then it's much more easy to crochet a tiny circle...

My energy level has been low and I have been SO tired for months and months. I usually don't sleep that long, but I think that I litteraly could sleep a whole day, if I didn't turn on my alarm clock! It actually came to a point where I got a bit worried about all that tiredness...But then - in it's own strange way - it became a habit because it had been there for so long.

The other day I had a doctor's appointment on another matter, and by accident my sweet doctor found out that I had a very low haemoglobin count. So there was the answer to my lack of energy - and need to sleep much more.What a relieve! Lovely that something could be done about it.

Hopefully I will feel more spunky in a while, and feel that my energy for sewing and many other things gradually comes back.

I did however manage to start on a little pair of trousers a while ago for a friend of mine. Now they are finally done and soon I will send them in the mail.

Another thing I would love to make before long, is this embroidery by Cathy Gaubert (again).

It's this month's Stitchalong on Feeling Stitchy, so if you want to take part in the stitchalong you can download the pattern for free right here. And of course remember to show your result in the flickr group when you are done...

At least I'm very busy finding new and funny projects in my mind...


  1. Så godt at legen fant ut hvorfor du var så trøtt og sliten. Da kan det bare gå en vei:-) jeg har endelig hatt tid til å kose meg i bloggverden igjen, og har kost meg med dine flotte bilder og vakre kreasjoner.

  2. Mange tak for de søde ord, Siw. :)) Jeg har bestemt også stor glæde ved at følge med på din blog og din ravelry side. Du er simpelthen en fantastisk strikker. :))

    Ja, det var godt at lægen opdagede den lave blodprocent. Jeg glæder mig virkelig til at energien vender tilbage. :)

  3. Hej Ulla!
    God bedring :) Godt lægen ved et 'uheld' fandt ud af hvorfor du er så træt. Men har nok bare en tendens til at tro, at sådan noget bare er midlertidigt eller at sådan er det nok bare - på en måde er det jo også godt, så man ikke ser farer overalt. Men nogen gange skal lægen jo altså til så man kan blive frisk igen :)
    Jeg ville elske at se det motiv broderet, så det synes jeg helt sikkert du skal starte på :)
    KH Mette

  4. Nu bliver jeg mor agtig !- hvorfor er du ikke gået til lægen noget før !
    Nå, bedre sent end aldrig- man skal ikke spøge med lav blodprocent.
    Håber du har fået en god vejledning.
    Og din energi vil vende tilbage :-)
    Jeg iøvrigt, vældig imponeret, af alle de lækkerheder du finder på nettet- vildt inspirerende.

  5. I hope you will feel better soon. I feel very tired from some time now too and should go and make a blood-check (I just hate needles). The fabric for the pants look great- I love the combination. And the drawing for the embroidery looks really sweet. Have a lovely day!

  6. Mange tak, Mette. :)) Jeg er så lettet over at det kan gå over igen! Selvom jeg har fået at vide at det kommer til at tage lidt tid. Men bare energien kommer igen, og trætheden bliver til den træthed jeg kender, så er jeg rigtig glad. :))

    Det skal bare broderes det motiv fra Cathy Gaubert. Jeg har et par ideer til hvor jeg skal placere det. :))



    Det er helt i orden, Miri. :))) Og du har ret - jeg skulle have været afsted noget før. Jeg har vist bare fået nok af læger og sygehuse efter de 3 rygoperationer og de mange undersøgelser. Også selvom jeg har den allersødeste og mest omsorgsfulde praktiserende læge.

    Jeg er rigtig glad for at du kan bruge noget af det jeg finder på nettet. :)) Der findes så mange spændende og dygtige folk derude. :))


    Thank you so much, Rahel. :)) I think that you should have it checked out. Maybe that's why you are so tired.

    The green fabric and the striped one are both favourites of mine. I have loved those kind of stripes for so many years.

    And the embroidery pattern is fabulous. Cathy Gaubert's patterns make me so happy whenever I see them. What a gorgeous thing to make people happy with one's work.

    Take care.

  7. It is very good news to find out that one has a health problem that can be treated and solved. Congratulations. I hope you are feeling better soon! I would love to do the stitch-along embroidery pattern. I have downloaded the patterns, but I have never participated ... yet. :)

  8. Thanks a lot, Ducky. :)) It definitely was nice to know that my energy will come back.

    I haven't made anything from the stitchalong yet either, but I know for sure that I will get this one done. I will look forward to see your work. :))

  9. Ulla, I'm so glad you found a reason for feeling so tired all this time... sometimes not knowing why is worse than anything. I hope you will be feeling energetic and bouncy soon! Sending best wishes and hugs! xo amy

  10. You are so sweet, Amy. :)) Thank you so much. :))

    It definitely was nice to know that it could be fixed, and that my energy will come back in time.
    I'm far to lousy to visit my doctor, due to all the many times I have been in hospital for examinations and operations in my back, lower back and neck.

    I hope that you are feeling better again. You are so beautiful and fit.
    I would really like to be able to use my rollerskates again - I LOVED that. My friend and I used to roll together and had so much fun doing it. :))

    Take care and enjoy the weekend.

    xo Ulla

  11. Hej Ulla

    Sikke nogle fine ting du laver (og finder) - jeg er helt vild med det grønstribede stof :-) Hvor har du købt det?

    Vh. Pernille


I - read - and - enjoy - every - single - comment - and - try - to - respond - to - it - as - soon - as - possible.

Thanks - a - lot . . . I - really - appriciate - it.