Friday, September 02, 2011

For the home

Knitting for my home hasn't been something I have done - at all. But my point of view on that matter changed when I was surfing on both Marianne Isager's and Helga Isager's sites.

Together they have created a new book about knitting items for one's home.
It must have been such an exiting project to make together - especially as relatives. And being at different stages of life, have probably also had a huge impact on their process with the patterns.

Photo from Amimono

Pillows, a baby blanket, a napkin for a breadbasket and a plaid - the one above - are some of the things the book contains. I'm totally crazy about the colours they have used and I don't have a problem about seing it all in my home!

But if I get to knit just 1 thing from the book, I guess that I should consider that as a victory...

Photo from Amimono

Getting inspiration from the book is actually almost enough for me. I often wonder about the thoughts which have gone through a designer's mind while creating. What inspired them to pick the colours, the shapes and the materials? But getting the patterns as well is definitely not a bad bonus.

Below is a photo of the book. I bought mine here and you can also buy it on this site.
Photo from Amimono


  1. Altså hvor du frister med lækre bøger !

  2. Bogen er smuttet i min indkøbskurv - for jeg SKAL strikke det smukke tæppe.

  3. Det er jeg bare glad for at du synes, Miri. :))
    Denne bog har så mange skønne projekter at der ikke er et eneste der ikke falder i min smag. Men det er utopi at tro at jeg får lavet så mange! ;))
    Jeg glæder mig virkelig til den kommer, så jeg kan nyde de smukke billeder og farver. :))


    Ja, er det ikke fantastisk, Karina? Og farverne - ih, hvor er de bare bløde og sarte, men alligevel med pondus over sig. :))
    Det ser svært ud tæppet, men hvor ville det også bare være fedt at varme sig under. ;))


I - read - and - enjoy - every - single - comment - and - try - to - respond - to - it - as - soon - as - possible.

Thanks - a - lot . . . I - really - appriciate - it.