Friday, September 09, 2011

Dragging it on

Oh yes, I'm still making the little colourful circles. I don't know if you can tell that the scarf has become longer. The photo looks a lot like the one I took a while ago!

I almost don't know what to do, when I finish the scarf. It's been such a cosy job. So now I have decided to make it a wee tad longer.
Even though I look forward to making the border, which will surround the many circles.

Maybe it's time to reveal that I have bought the Jawoll Magic yarn in a green version. One wouldn't know whether I got the urge to make another circle scarf some day...


  1. the circle looks really pretty. when you roll it up it looks like a flower that is about to blossom.

    will be nice if it is afghan blanket also if it is too long for a scarf.

  2. Ulla, this is gorgeous! I'm loving all the colour and those pretty circles. I'm looking forward to seeing the way you will finish this lovely scarf.

  3. It is so pretty, no wonder your addicted. I cant wait to see the tiny circles added for the edging.

  4. Det er bare skønt Ulla. Er simpelthen bare vild med din måde at blande farverne på.
    Det bliver super når det er færdigt :)

  5. Hep hep, det ser bare så lækkert ud :O)
    Rigtig god lørdag til dig :O)

  6. Thank you so much, 3iNnA, Katherine and Sue. :))
    It's getting long indeed! I know that I will cherish that when winter comes. I hate when a scarf is too short. ;))

    I'm so exited about making the edge. I have already picked out the colours for it. Hopefully it will all melt together and be okay.

    Have a lovely weekend. :))


    Kære Hanne og Jeanette!

    Det er dejligt at i to dygtige kvinder kan lide tørklædet. :)) Jeg håber at det kan være et glimt af farve på en blæsende efterårs dag - og ikke mindst en god varmekilde til min nakke.

    Kanterne ligger lidt et andet sted farvemæssigt. Jeg er spændt på om kombinationen vil virke. Og så skal jeg også prøve nye hækle masker af! Det kan godt føre lidt vanskeligheder med sig. ;))

    En rigtig god lørdag til jer begge to. :))


I - read - and - enjoy - every - single - comment - and - try - to - respond - to - it - as - soon - as - possible.

Thanks - a - lot . . . I - really - appriciate - it.