Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A Wednesday in April

Today I got the lovely materials from Sort Lakrids. As always a kind and fast service from that shop.

I will start knitting the little cardigan today, because the Nova dress is now finished. Or should I say the knitting part is. I still need to sew on the buttons and weave in the ends. But that will not be today.

I really love the red Duo silk/ merino yarn for Christian's scarf. He hasn't seen it yet, but I'm sure he will love as well.

Our shopping day with Emil went so fine. He got some cool and beautiful clothes for his confirmation - everything bought in this shop.

Isn't it amazing? I thought that we were going to walk all around Århus all day long to look for his 2 sets of clothes and 2 pair of shoes.

By the way, he didn't get the purple ones, because he fell in love with these instead.

And a similar pair in black and white. He was so happy about it all and so grateful... That really touched me and my soft mommyheart.

We also found the fabric for Anne-Sophie's gala dress. We bought 5 metres of a beautiful and elegant coral colored fabric.
Now it's up to me to turn it into the fabulous dress Anne-Sophie has dreamt about...I hope that I can make her dream come true.


  1. Den er bare så fin den lille cardigan ;)
    Så du den lille drenge trøje også ?


  2. Hej Ulla
    seje sko og fedt at det gik så nemt. Jeg synes det er cool, han skal have sådanne skatersko på - men som du selv siger, det giver jo ikke mening at købe noget, han aldrig gider have på igen!
    det der garn ser da også bare for lækkert ud, bliver vist lige nødt til at kigge på Sort lakrids :)
    KH Mette

  3. I can already see what a lovely cardiagan this is going to be. I checked out their homepage and they have wonderful things! I am also curious about the gala dress! Hope you will post a picture when it will be finished!

  4. Jeg blev også fristet over evne af den, Yt og måtte have et kit. :)) Og den er bare så sjov at strikke. Lidt ligesom når man strikker striber, og tænker: "ahhh, jeg tager lige én pind til..."

    Hvis du mener den lille trøje med "klappen" og de 2 knapper foran, så så jeg den godt. Den er súper skøn! Faktisk købte jeg for et godt stykke tid siden materialer og opskrift til den. :))

    Hav en god påske.


    Hej Mette!

    Ja, det var bare skønt at det hele gik så fint med Emils tøj indkøb. :))

    Jeg er rigtig glad for, at han fik valgt noget tøj og nogle sko, som han vil føle sig tilpas i. Og ikke mindst som sig selv. Jakke og slips ville være så meget ved siden af Emil personlighed og stil!

    Og det fede er, at han hellere end gerne vil bruge det hele efter konfirmationen. Herligt! :))

    Du skal helt sikkert kigge nærmere på Sort Lakrids butikken. Der er så mange smukke og unikke ting der.

    En rigtig god påske til og din familie.



    I'm really happy that you love it as well, rahel. I'm so in to it. I'm half way done with it, and it's turning out to be as great as I hoped for. :))

    I totally agree with you about Sort Lakrids. It's such a fine shop with unique items and beautifully designed knits. I definitely have to make the little poncho sometime as well. ;)

    The gala dress is getting closer and closer. It needs to be done by May the 7th, but Anne-Sophie and I have decided that I make it as close to the gala as possible. Then it will have the ultimate fit. :))

    Have a lovely weekend.

  5. Your skills are amazing, I can't wait to see the finished scarf. Nice choice with the shoes. Some nikes really are rockin'.

  6. Thank you so much, urbancraft. :)) That makes me so happy.

    I really like the shoes Emil picked too. But the purple ones were so cool as well, but they didn't have them in the shop. :)

  7. wow it is such a reponsibility you have !!! will you show us the dress

    as for the cardigan it reminds me I have Brynja as a WIP in my basket....

    the snickers are cool :)


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