Friday, May 16, 2008

Oh my, oh my....


  1. Happy Birthday to you! I saw it on Ravelry and I am wishing you a wonderful day, that your next year will bring you lots of love, joy and pleasure, that you´re secret dreams may come true and that you can live the way you love.
    Best wishes and enjoy the day,

  2. Happy Birthday! Have the best possible day!

  3. Happy birthday! A lot of fun with your family and your friends...and you need a cake...a VERY GOOD cake ;)

  4. You too!
    For me it´s 48 today and a very happy birthday to you :-)

  5. Du er jo ikke engang rigtig voksen endnu ;-)

    Tillykke med fødselsdagen.
    Knus Gitte

  6. Åh, Ulla til lykke med fødselsdagen. Jeg ønsker dig det aller bedste i livet. Nyd din dag, den er helt din egen. Fødsler skal fejres med fødselsdage igen og igen. Det er den bedste dag af alle. Klemmer herfra ;-)

  7. Hi Ula, as we say in Dutch: Hartelijk gefeliciteerd en
    nog vele jaren!
    Wishing you a happy birthday and a lovely party.
    Greetings, Ria

  8. Stort tillykke med fødselsdagen! Så er det på grund af dig, at vi har haft så superdejligt vejr i dag... Sørg for at nyde dagen rigtig meget! ;o)

  9. Hip hip HURRA Ulla endnu en gang hjerteligt tillykke med dagen. Håber du og familien havde en dejlig aften trods vores roderi med "slamberten" ;0)

  10. Dear Ulla, Happy belated Birthday for yesterday. Hope you had a fab day with your family and that they all looked after you as you so truely deserve - especially on your special day!
    Thanks for your card by the way. So sorry you can't make it. We would have loved to have you here with us on those days, however we both understand your reasons.
    Have a great weekend.

    Lots of love Kalle & Daniel xxx

  11. Thank you for your sweet words, krawuggl :0) My birthday was wonderful....


    Thank you very much, Cheryl :0)I had an amazing day with my family.


    Thanks a million, Claudia :0) We had a lot of fun - I just love being with the ones I love...


    Hjertelig tillykke til dig også, Hanne :0) Hvor er det bare pudsigt at vi fylder år samme dag!


    Mange tak, Gitte :0) Jeg føler mig sulme ellers gammel ind imellem ;0)

    Ulla :0)

    Tak for det, Jeannette Mariae :0) Jeg prøver at nyde hver eneste dag, men fødselsdage er noget helt specielt. Jeg bliver så nostalgisk på min fødselsdag....tænker over alt det jeg har oplevet indtil nu og hvor heldig jeg er!!

    Mange hilsner


    Thank you very much, Ria :0 And I even got a happy birthday in Dutch - that's just great!!


    Mange tak, Astrid - hvor var det sødt sagt :0)
    Her var vejret blandet ;0)
    Jeg nød dagen i fulde drag og min familie gjorde så mange ting for at jeg skulle have en skøn dag.


    Tusind tak, Dorte :0) Vi havde en dejlig dag og aften - hvordan gik det med slamsugeren? Jeg håber alt gik i orden!


    Dear Kalle & Daniel,

    Thank you so much :0)
    I turned 37 surrounded by all the love I could wish for from friends and family...I feel so lucky.
    Christian and the children made everything so nice for me....

    You really don't have any idea about how dissapointed we both are. We really wanted to spend these days with you...but we will be there by heart.

    Please, remember to send me your wish list :0)

    A wonderful weekend to you too.

    Lots of love Ulla :0)

  12. A belated Happy Birthday, Ulla! Wishing you love and happiness on your special day and throughout the coming year.


  13. Belated, but happy birthday all the same. :)

  14. Stort forsinket tillykke herfra!

  15. My dear Ulla!!!
    i just saw that you had your birthday!!!!!!
    I hope all your dreams and wishes come true!!! Your are such a friendly person and I´m sooo happy that I found you via flickr!!! I hope you had a wonderful day with lot of cake and a good cup of cafe!!! At the moment it is a bit silent on my blog cause I´m helping my sister in the new house but I will come back:).... Klem * Marie*

  16. Thank you so much, Kathrine :o) And for your sweet words...

    Ulla :0)


    1000 tak, Tina! Det var sødt af dig :0)


    Mange tak for det, Julia - ih, hvor det varmer :0)


    Dear Marie,

    Thanks a million for the birthday wishes and your sweet words. They warmed my heart :0)

    It's more important to help your family, so I totally understand why you haven't got the time for blogging ;0) But I will, however, look forward till you come back :0)


  17. I LOVE the cards! I hope you had a happy birthday ;-)

  18. Happy Belated Birthday! We're the same age (for a few months anyhow)!Hope you had a wonderful celebration:)

  19. Et forsinket, men stort og hjerteligt, tillykke fra mig til dig.
    Jeg kan læse, at du havde en dejlig dag, og skønne gaver har du da også fået.

    37 er ingen alder, de bedste år ligger åbne foran dig, Ulla, og med din søde og milde tilgang til livet, der kan det ikke andet, end at blive godt.

    Kærlige tanker Anne


I - read - and - enjoy - every - single - comment - and - try - to - respond - to - it - as - soon - as - possible.

Thanks - a - lot . . . I - really - appriciate - it.