Monday, February 13, 2012

It doesn't need a whole lot of letters... new neon geometric Stag Brooch. Its beauty speaks for itself - at least I think so.

It has already become a did so within a few seconds.  The colourful triangles neatly placed beside each other. Just my kind of style. (A bit of mess wouldn't have done anything either).

I'm sure that I can make room for a similar bear on my tunics and sweaters...


  1. Den er vel nok lækker. Den skal nok pynte...

  2. Åh, den er fantaaaastisk! Jeg vil også ha en!!

  3. wow! Ulla, this is really awesome! love your brooch! thanks so much for dropping by and leaving such kind words. no worry, i am feeling much better. i am starting to feel itchy about creating spring themed projects, a good sign that my spirit is much on a positive side. ^_^
    hope all is well your way.
    hugs to you
    monique xoxo

  4. Jeg er simpelthen også bare så glad for den Rikke, Katrine og Trine. :)) Og der er MASSER af smukke ting at fristes af i etsy shoppen endnu. Jeg er bestemt ikke færdig med at handle der. :))


    I'm so happy to hear that you are doing better, Monique. :)) When the crafty bug returns it's always a good and joyful sign.

    It's sunny and wonderful here today, and I feel like planting a million flowers in my garden. A rather difficult project when the frost hasn't left us yet. ;))

    And hugs to you too
    Ulla XOXO


I - read - and - enjoy - every - single - comment - and - try - to - respond - to - it - as - soon - as - possible.

Thanks - a - lot . . . I - really - appriciate - it.