Saturday, July 09, 2011

I haven't been to Paris....

...yet! But I'm sure that my little Paris doll will bring me just a tiny bit closer to the beautiful city.

I couldn't help myself from coming back to Miko design's etsy shop after I had seen her fantastic dolls.
The rabbit was just about to pop into my basket, but the typical white and marine blouse with stripes made me choose the girl instead.

Photo from Mikodesign

My Parisian doll comes on a piece of screenprinted cotton fabric, and it's up to me to cut her out and sew her together. And make sure that her Souvenirs tote bag can be done - so she can put it on her shoulder and look smart.


  1. What a find ! She is beautiful :)

  2. .....hvis du tager afsted vil jeg gerne med.

    Der er fantastisk i Paris.....især om foråret :0) Den fine dukke inspirerer da virkelig til en tur :0)

    Knus Dorthe

  3. Ta Parisienne est vraiment très belle : your parisian doll is ssoooooo cute !

  4. hvor er dukken altså nuttet - rigtigt 'parisisk' :O)
    Jeg gad da godt eje sådan en nederdel med Eiffeltårnet - STANGsmart, simpelthen.

  5. Dear all of you,

    thank you so much for your lovely comments. As always I really enjoy reading your words. :))

    I totally agree with you - the doll from Miko Design is fabulous, and makes one want to visit the beautiful and amazing city. :))

    I can't wait for her to come to Denmark so I can make her - and give her some braids as well I think. ;))

    Have a lovely day tomorrow. :))

  6. I love the dolls skirt! If only it came in adult sizes...I miss Paris. I was blogging from there only just a few weeks ago!

  7. She is incredibly cute!!! If only I had more time now adays. I miss knitting and sewing!

    Hope summer is treating you good!

  8. I would love that as well, Mrs Bok. A skirt like that would be so cool. :))

    How nice to hear from you Anne Marie. You are busy with your house. I'm sure that it will end up great - but I know how much hard work - and dust - it takes to get there. :))

    Have a wonderful summer.


I - read - and - enjoy - every - single - comment - and - try - to - respond - to - it - as - soon - as - possible.

Thanks - a - lot . . . I - really - appriciate - it.