Tuesday, March 16, 2010






  1. Håber det bringer lykke ;-))

    Og at du en dag kan lære mig at brodere!!


  2. Ja, gid det gør, Wenche. :)) Og Jeg vil hellere end gerne lære dig at brodere en dag.



    Åh, tusind tak, Heidi. Det er jeg bare glad for at du synes. :))

    Jeg elsker at brodere og slapper sådan af fra alting, når jeg sidder med nålen og de bittesmå sting. :)

  3. Hello,
    I am very new to blogginh and love your knitting, also wants to let you know I am new to knitting to but I just love it and taught myself a lot from books...

    So when I see your work I go OMG... yes exactly that...

    Keep it up...

  4. cool - i like this idea and am tempted to hunt out a frame and do something! what are you making? something fabulous i would guess!! x

  5. I'm happy that you can get inspired by my things, Anonymous. I can easily hear that you have found the wonderful joy in creating with your hands. I hope you will spend lots of hours doing that. :))


    I think you should, Louise - it's actually rather addicting :)) I just have to sew one more tiny stitch when I'm having the hoop in my hands...
    And it's funny to see how that mess of stitches becomes a number - or something else - in the end. ;))

    Oh, and by the way: I'm making a pillow. :))

    Ulla x

  6. Sikken en tålmodighed du må have. Glæder mig til at se det færdige resultat...

  7. Mange tak, Linnea. :)) Jeg ER tålmodig - i hvert tilfælde med håndarbejde og børn. ;))

    Det varer forhåbentlig ikke så længe før du kan se det færdige resultat. Jeg har syet 7 og er næsten færdig med 9...så er der bare 13 tilbage. :))

    Rigtig god weekend.


I - read - and - enjoy - every - single - comment - and - try - to - respond - to - it - as - soon - as - possible.

Thanks - a - lot . . . I - really - appriciate - it.