During late spring and early summer, I have been searching for a very particular kind of seeds.
The 1st time I had them was last summer. I bought the seeds at a grocery store, and didn't pay any notice to their name...

When the seeds grew up, they showed the most georgeous little flowers - with red leaves and pink, round flowers.

I enjoyed those flowers SO much, and when I wanted to buy more seeds this year, I simply couldn't remember what they were called!!!
Luckily I kept the pot - and soil - in which I sowed the seeds last summer.....and suddenly they popped up all by themselves!
Never the less I would love to know what these little ones are called (because I want even more of them next year!!)
Does anyone know???
I don't know what they are called either. But I do know that once they start self-seeding in your garden you will have them forever! We had them growing at a house we once owned and I couldn't get RID of them!! I love them, too, but they overwhelmed one part of our garden.
ReplyDeleteHvor er de yndige. Jeg tænkte straks på, at det ved Dorthe (Frk. Solhat) garanteret. Hun er en rigtig blomsterkvinde i mine øjne.
ReplyDeleteIngen, smukke er dig. Og det er dit nye look på din blog også. Du er så inspirerende.
Ønsker dig en dejlig dag ;-)
Thanks a lot, twolimeleaves. It's nice to know that the flowers can be rather uncontrolable ;0)
ReplyDeleteI think I have to plant the new seeds in pots.....
Jeg har også tænkt på Dorte i denne "sag" - og hun bor jo lige ved siden af mig, så....
Tak for de søde ord...(omend jeg ikke helt forstod det første ;0) )
Men de gjorde mig i hvert tilfælde glad :0)
En vindunderlig dag til dig også....
Dear Ulla,
ReplyDeleteI don't know what they are called but like you I think they are very pretty. I've asked my in-laws Gill and Brian to have a look as they are both great gardeners and might be able to identify them for you.
Hope you are well, congratulations to Emil on his birthday!
I'll be in touch soon to tell you all about our civil partnership and share some photos with you. Thanks for the card by the way.
Lots of love
Dear Ulla,
ReplyDeleteThe plat has been identified and it's called "Persicaria Capitata" or the common English name which is 'Pink Bubbles' (lyserøde bobler).
Kære Kalle!
ReplyDeleteDu er en snut....tak for indsatsen med at lokalisere navnet på de fantastiske små runde bobler! Nu skal jeg have købt frø!
Tak for hilsenen til Emil - han havde en dejlig dag...Det håber jeg også at i havde.
Jeg vil glæde mig til at høre og se mere om den store dag. Og om hvordan det gik med "Elvis" ;0)
Gaven er stadig under udarbejdelse...jeg håber, at i er tålmodige?
Hav det rigtig godt, Kalle og hils Daniel.
Kærlig hilsen